[1] Freddy Fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: It is true that a
person is not guilty until proved guilty, but for that the accused
must surrender to the Authorities, and let the Law take it's course.
Why is he hiding if he is not guilty ?

[2] Anthony Pereira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: You are absolutely
spot on. Is'nt it ridiculous that the parents are not aware of the
whereabouts of their own son? Can anybody believe this? Are'nt they
telling lies. How can this family be trusted in any case.

[3] Anthony Pereira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> also wrote:What right does
Churchill have to comment on the character of the minor girl.

[4] Avelino D'Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> fwd the following from PTI:

(a) Rohit (Monseratte) 21, was booked for rape, outraging modesty,
abetting crime and sending lewd messages to the 14-year-old girl. Her
mother had lodged a police complaint.

(b) the girl is unwilling to depose before the police or get herself
medically examined.

(c) Monserratte, who has been charged with abetting the crime as his
cellphone was used by Rohit to allegedly send lewd messages, has
refuted the charges against his son.

(d) The case had triggered a political row with some ministers and
legislators demanding a change in leadership in the Congress-led
government formed last year.


jc's view:

There are very few professionals that one can trust. Accordingly, it
is a no-brainer for a professional (i.e. doctor, lawyer, plumber,
mechanic etc) to realise that IF he is honest, he will NOT have to
find devious means to earn a living. This is a practical point quite
separate and apart from the ethical considerations relating to
professions and professionals.

Allow me to state this upfront: Aires Rodrigues has disappointed many
of his admirers and friends (me included) by his conduct as a lawyer,
and (IMHO) tried to use his legal position to further his political
agenda. This is quite separate and apart from the other matters. But,
let's not resurrect the ghosts of the recent past and just stick to
the "case" at hand.

Allow me also to state that I (personally) have zero respect for any
professional person who allows himself to be used as a political pawn.

Six stipulations: (1) The attack on Aires and Prajal can only be
described as despicable and criminal. Those who perpetrated this act
(and their mentors) should face the full force of the law. (2) We ALL
should hope and pray that both Aires and Prajal recover fully from
this attack - both physically and emotionally. (3) We ALL should avoid
getting emotional about matters which might benefit from calm
reasoning and thought. (4) Politics is also involved in the overt
reaction to this incident.(5) NOBODY including and especially
Churchill Alemao has the right to comment on the character of the
minor girl involved. (6) Politicians will say anything that is
politically expedient for them to say.

Now to the key characters in this case:

[A] ROHIT: is 21 years old. He is an adult. It IS NOT ridiculous for
his parents NOT to know where he is. Even IF they know where he is,
the parents have NO Obligation to give that information to the police.
As long as the parents are NOT assisting in the "hiding" of the young
adult man, they are NOT liable for anything.

Anybody can be charged for any crime including rape. How will that
charge be proved in court without evidence? The only way for this
charge to be proved is to have DNA examination of specimens available
from the young lady in question OR her clothing. The DNA from clothing
option is still available - unless the clothes have been dry-cleaned.

Otherwise, the only charge which can be proved at this time (if the
evidence exists) is the bit about sending lewd messages to the young

WHY would anybody hide? here are some possibilities 1: Guilty 2: Not
Guilty but already tried and convicted BY AIRES RODRIGUES in the
press. Please review his statements as reported. 3: No trust in the
legal system prevalent in Goa.

[B] The YOUNG LADY in question: While the alleged crime has to be
prosecuted according to Indian law, I cannot see it going forward
without evidence ...specifically ....DNA evidence. I also understand
the young lady's reluctance to be subjected to vaginal examination by

Her case will be absolutely strenghtened by the DNA evidence. IF she
has DNA from bodily secretions from Rohit, he is sunk. I submit that
she does NOT then have to undergo any medical exam (which could be
nornal or abnormal) nor have to be cross-examined to verify if this
"act" was consensual. Her age precludes her from giving consent to
sexual activity (at least in India and many other countries).

As far her rights are concerned, please understand that she is a
national of the EU. She might have 'personal' rights to privacy as
well as those related to Gillick competency. Nobody might be able to
force her to give a statement.

She might exercise those rights in private (without violating Indian
law in India) but she cannot expect to have another person charged
while she remains silent and uncooperative.

I am not sure WHO wants this case up in front: She, her mother, her
lawyer or the politicians.......especially IF there is NO evidence to
prove that the assault was committed by Rohit. The nonsense of the
"Prove You are Innocent" bit having been noted..

[C] Aires Rodrigues has already made some statements. He can speak for
himself. I personally disapprove of the manner he conducts trials of
accused and formerly-accused in public. As an individual who has
(also) had to deal with cases of Child abuse for the past 25 years, it
is my personal opinion that the Goa Children's Act and the recent
actions of Aires Rodrigues and the wishy-washy actions of the alleged
"childrens' advocates" will be counterproductive to the children of

[D] The politicians are opportunists by nature. It is in their DNA.
Never mind their political posturing. They are ONLY interested in the
Kodel. They will use and discard Aires, me and you without even
stopping for a breath. Trust me.

with good wishes


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