Cheers Dears
By Augusto Pinto



Once upon a time, in Gowristhan, a land of fantasy and imagination, there was a 
terrible crisis. Gowristhan was a democracy where people could say anything 
wanted to say. Its citizens were all writers and they were all men and they 
were all 
horrible to look at. But to give that bunch of doddering old dodos their due, 
were a very clever bunch of freaks.

They met once a month for grand banquets. Although Gowristhan was not a 
kingdom, it 
did have a Grand Vizier whose job it was to organize those grand banquets. His 
included arranging a banquet hall; sweeping and swabbing the hall; giving 
to the Gowristhanis about how to get to the hall; ordering the food and the 
and so on and so forth. Cepcilon was the name of the Grand Vizier.

Everything was hunky dory until the year 8002 when the great crisis occurred. 
ruckus started when a young lass named Mandrica came from the Nether Lands to 
Gowristhan. Sitting on a horse she began to see the sights of Gowristhan. And 
on one 
of her tours she was espied by Cepcilon.

On seeing her Cepcilon flipped and tripped. He ran up to her and asked her if 
could write. Mandrica nodded her head. Overjoyed Cepcilon told her that she 
become a Gowristhani. Mandrica nodded her head.

However to become a Gowristhani one had to undergo a curious initiation ritual. 
had to dance before the assembled Gowristhanis, and only if they approved of it 
would the applicant get Gowristhani citizenship.

At the next banquet of the Gowristhanis Cepcilon announced,"Dear Gowristhanis, 
too long has our milieu been macho. We have closed our eyes to the beauties of 
world. We must modernize. We must admit chicks to the citizenship of 
Gowristhan. And 
luckily the right babe hath come. I am sure you have all seen the nubile 
who hath come to Gowristhan all the way from the Nether Lands riding on her 
horse. I 
propose that we admit her as our First Lady. Come here Mandrica. Dance for the 

Mandrica came onstage in a teeny weeny micro-mini and did a sexy item number. 
she finished her gyrations, Cepcilon addressed the gathered Gowristhanis,"Does 
anyone of you have any objection to Mandrica becoming a Gowristhani?"

Josefus who had already had one too many, and was turned on by Mandrica's 
performance, let out a wolf whistle and yelled,"I object. She's just too pretty 
be a Gowristhani. Besides she dances divinely. And her horse is too good."

There was a stunned silence. Then Cepcilon said," What does he mean? Either 
should justify himself or he should apologise or he should be expelled from 
Gowristhan!" Josefus shot back,"Bah humbug! Get lost." And that's when the shit 
the ceiling fan.

Cepcilon roared in fury,"How dare you say that to me! And I notice that the 
rest of 
you are silent witnesses! I take it that this means that you all agree with 
Very well - in that case - I resign as Grand Vizier!"

Salcario said sweetly," My tears are welling up. Cepcilon, please don't say 
resign. And from now on I promise not to say anything bad about you O Great 
Derky said," I am one of the many silent witnesses but that doesn't mean I 
care! Enough said. Retract your decision, Grand Vizier." Patricio said," 
you are the wind beneath our wings. Gowristhan will run aground if you go!"

Virgolo who hated Josefus because he felt he carped at his writing yelled," 
should say nothing about our Cepcilon." He forgot that it was Cepcilon who had 
initially drawn attention to his mistakes. But then, an enemy's enemy is a 

Frencunho the greybeard gave his two paisa worth,"I think it is unbecoming for 
Gowristhani to make frivolous comments about anyone's looks. I would hate it if 
someone judged me on the basis of my height, skin-color, my non-existent six 
abs, my caste or my beard. Why should a woman be judged on the basis of her 
Himburte opined,"I find Josefus's remarks about Mandrica falling just over the 
of delicious wickedness which I enjoy, into sexism which I don't."

Josefus said," Bah humbug! Very well. I will leave. But first at least ask 
whether she is offended or not."

But Mandrica was nowhere to be found. Bored by the squabbling of the old men 
she had 
hopped onto her horse and had gone back to the Nether Lands.

Till next time then...

Cheers   (ENDS)

The above article appeared in the January 7, 2009 edition of the Herald, Goa 

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