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Goan Association of Hudson Valley's New Year Party



Peekskill, NY: The Goan Association of Hudson Valley organized a New Year's eve 
party at the Colombian Firehouse at Peekskill, NY on December 31. A large 
number of Goan families from the Hudson Valley area attended the function. Some 
families also attended from the adjoining state of New Jersey.


It was a very cold night with snow and a bone chilling winds but this did not 
put a damper on the festivities as inside the hall the temperature was 
maintained at a toasty level. The atmosphere was welcoming and enchanting with 
helium-filled balloons proclaiming 'Happy New Year' to red and white balloons 
floating around attached to colorful ribbons.


To create an interest in their ancestral homeland in the new generation, the 
two-page leaflet distributed to the guest carried a short history of Goa and 
explained the term 

' Susegad'. It also incorporated several photographs of various scenes of Goa.


Appetizers were served as the guest arrived and adding to their high spirits 
was the open bar being manned by the volunteers of the Association.


In his address, Mr. Louis D'Souza, the President of the Association, welcomed 
the guest and promised them all a fun filled evening. He added that this was 
the first time that a function on such a large and grand scale had been 
undertaken and assured the members that they could look forward to many more 
such occasions so that the community spirit could be fostered and strengthened. 
He also said that he intended to contact other Goan organizations in the 
Northeast to enhance social networking.


The Prism, the only Goan band in the region from central New Jersey, were in 
attendance providing beautiful music to keep the large crowd, about 250 strong, 
on their feet for the rest of the night.


The  band comprises of six member ---five from Bombay and one from Karachi. 
They are Brian Baretto (lead), his wife Leonie Baretto (vocals), Anil Das 
(drums), Neil Mathias (bass), Rahul Menezes (rhythm) and Julian Saldana 
(keyboard). The gentlemen in the band all have professional day jobs in the IT, 
finance and other sectors but find time to play at functions during their free 
time.  Neil also doubles as the DJ when the boys take a breather. As they are 
the only Goan band in the region they do gigs in neighboring states also. 


After several rounds of dancing to the Jive, Twist, Waltz, Cha, Cha, Cha, Slow 
Fox Trot etc dinner was served. The spread comprised of many Goan delicacies. 
And the dessert was a delicious and mouth-watering Bebic, prepared by a member 
of the association. To ward off the cold, hot coffee and tea were available.


With the magic hour  approaching, unlike Cinderella, there was no dread among 
the guests but a rush of activity with the distribution of party-hats, 
noisemakers and glasses of Champagne to everyone of drinkable age ( here in the 
US, the law is very strict and no underage drinking is allowed).


Soon, it was time for the count-down to begin and the hall echoed with 60, 59, 
58..3, 2, 1, and then  spontaneous shouts of Happy New Year filled the air 
accompanied by a cacophony  of paper horns and other noise-makers and guests 
embracing family and friends, wishing each other a happy, prosperous and 
peaceful new year.


The dancing and festivities continued for another couple of hours before the 
members wished one another goodnight and good-cheer and headed out into the 
freezing cold to start their long drives home.


Michael Ali

White Plains, NY

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