Albert writes:-I do not fast because I believe that Jesus christ has taken with 
him all our sins, our unhappiness and sorrow to the Cross when He died for our 
Good for you.
Muslims fast for (what ever days), Christians fast for Two times a year as you 
said, but you are not one of them, OK?
I mean Catholic. If you are a Catholic and believe what the HOLY GERMAN FATHER 
says then you SHOULD fast. OK?

Now, Hindus fast one day in the week (they SHOULD any way) depending upon what 
day of the week they were born OR where their Mars is in their Kundali etc.
This is what ALL humans should follow - like it or not.
As for Catholics, they should fast on the Friday of the week (because they do 
not believe in the Kundali).

There are 14 Commandments in the Judeo/Christian Bible, (If you want to split 
hairs with me, then there are 613 Commandments - thou shalt not coveth thy 
neighbours cow and etc.).
Fasting is also a Commandment, and Commandments were LAWS (by today's 
standards) because in those days there was no Govt. to make Laws and Kings were 
Gods etc.
Now a days we are free to do whatever we like like Albert, that is why the 
society is in such a mess.
If the Catholic Church says do not eat meat, eat Capibara thou shall eat 
Capibara, end off.

If you want to live as a decent human being you should fast once a week - THAT 
Hinduism is not a religion it is the Law of Nature, follow it like wise, not as 
a Religion.

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