From: Mervyn Lobo <>
>I think the point Cecil is trying to make is that Goanet is a messy >place

I, speaking for my own self, certainly endorse Mervyn's views. For a long
time now, it appears that Goanet has become a place where one has only to
post and wham, bang comes a chop from some people, who seemingly have
nothing to do the whole day but wield a computer keyboard 'kator'. The
moment some one says something, out come the long knives. We have 'Kristal
Nacht; every day on Goanet. Nothing constructive seems to come for days on
end. And what about the bandwidth which is wasted on discussing American
politics, economics and social life. Surely, there are more relevant Goan
issues that can be discussed?

Again there is no consistency in the moderation of posts. Posts to Goanet
are supposed to be exclusive (I have had one post rejected because of this
simply because I also posted the same to my own village mailing list ) at
the same time I can see that there are dozens of posts which come through
even though they are posted to a plethora of individuals, mailing lists and
newspapers. Now what is sauce for the goose must be sauce for the gander,
unless on Goanet the ganders receive selective treatment? Incidentally, I
complained about the same to Goanet but was advised by FN that mods
sometimes fail too. Sometimes yes, but many times, it must be most
emphatically NO!

What about the time, not too long ago, when the mods let through Konkani
obscentites and JoeGoaUk stopped posting for a month?
And BTW aren't JoeGoaUK, Pandu Lampiao and Xembhu Moidekar sock puppets? How
come they rate preferential treatment?

Me thinks that a mid-wicket conference of the mods is called for and a
uniform policy must be thrashed out. If Goanet is to be used as a tool for
social change and social, political and economic development of Goa, then a
few things need to be changed. Please also do inform the janata the changes
if you do decide to take my advice.

At the same time I also recognize and appreciate the tremendous effort of
the owner to host such a site which has tremendous potential, provided it is
used in a proper manner!

                  / _)             Tony de Sa
        .-^^^-/ /          M; +91 9975 162 897
   __/         /           Ph: +91 832 2470 148
In a world without fences, who needs Gates?
  • ... Cecil Pinto
    • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक न ोरोन्या
      • ... Mervyn Lobo
    • ... marlon menezes
      • ... Valmiki Faleiro
        • ... J. Colaco < jc>
    • ... Tony de Sa
    • ... Cecil Pinto

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