2009/9/22 Jorge Dias jorges...@gmail.com

 Those Christians in India who are operating with Hindu names are
doing this to protect their skin from Hindu facist forces. May God
give these christians the courage that they do not hide their
christian faith. et etc

A *Christian* Warrior is someone who is not afraid to pick up their
cross and follow Christ. They know that to live is Christ, and to die
is gain, and they are willing to give what they cannot keep to gain
what they cannot lose. They

They are fearless. Unafraid, they boldly face persecution, ridicule,
and even torture with unwavering faith and a steadfast heart.

-- response --

Dear Jorge,

I intentionally held my breath - to read what others had to write in
response to you - before I approached my keyboard.

Forgive me for saying this - but in these days of pseudonyms - I did
really wonder who Jorge Dias was. So, when you go get an opportunity,
do let us know a bit more about yourself - if at all, it is possible.

Allow me then to state the following: There some merit and some
demerit in what you have written.

[1] names of convenience: I personally know of

a:  a number of Hindus (living near Carambolim) who had
Christian-sounding names and surnames who were actually practising
Hindus. They reverted to their hindu-sounding names after 1961.

b: some Goan Catholics in Poona - who changed their surnames from the
Portuguese to the Anglicised variant - Soares  became Sawyer,
Fernandes became Ferns etc

c: Mangalorean Catholics who changed their names - before entering
University in Karnataka - Fernandes became Prabhu. Pinto became Rao,
and de Souza became Kamath.

d: Goan Hindus Lusitanised their names, spoke Portuguese better than
the Portuguese - Chowgule became Chougulo, Shenvi became Xinai, Kamat
became Camotim.

e: A well known Pakistani (formerly) Christian cricket player had an
Islamic sounding first name ...Yousuf (he has changed his name after
converting to Islam).

[2] Except for Mohammed Yousuf, None of the above changed their
religious practices even though they modified their names.

It might interest you that in the Caribbean, you will find (East
Indian) Hindus and Christians having the same names and
surnames....and along with the Muslims, they take part in Id,  Bajaan
(Bhajan) and Christmas together with one relative who might be Hindu,
another Muslim and the third a Christian. ......All sharing Roti,
Curry Goat, Daal and White rum.

** Please note that the term 'East Indians' refers to descendants of
the Indian indentured labourers. It is my personal observation that
NEW Indian immigrants (especially the 'hupper class' Hindus) to the
Caribbean look down upon these original "East Indians" ....

Anyway ... I digressed.

[3] I accept that there is some religion-based (and caste-based)
descrimination in India.

Now, IF you had a family to feed - which choice would you make (as
long as you privately practised your faith)

a: The "safe" choice (of least resistance) - modify your name/surname
to make yourself less conspicuous?


b: The fool-hardy choice - of "In your face" ....and risk your family?


[4] Is it more important to be a 'demonstrative' Christian or a
'practising' one?

good wishes


One who believes that BUT FOR the Portuguese conquest of Goa, my real
name (and that of many others) would have been Yousuf; and one who
prefers a Good Hindu, Catholic, Muslim and Non-believer anyday to a
violent, lying, thiefing, and discriminatory Hindu, Catholic, Muslim
and Non-believer. .....anyday

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