Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2009 22:20:20 +0530
From: "Valmiki Faleiro" <>

(Incidentally, "Valmiki" is not just Indian, no private property here, the 
Maharishi belongs not just to India but to the world.)

Mario responds:

Now, now, Maharishi Faleiro, let's not get carried away here - after you were 
doing so well in defending your auspicious name:-))

Don't we all belong to the world?

I always told my parents growing up that the saint's names were getting stale 
and boring and we needed more saints with names like Valmiki and Vinita 
and Vijay and Priya and Sapna and Santosh and Rajan and Samir and Sandeep, all 
legitimate candidates after Vatican II.  I did my part by using three of these 

We have a TRULY Catholic church where I live that has life sized tapestries of 
Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. hung inside the church alongside 
several saints whose names we would all recognize.

Jorge needs to wise up.

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