* G * O * A * N * E * T **** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible


Ben Fernandes (BF) wrote:
> I noticed that Philippino was spelt incorrectly in the article.

Cecil Pinto (CP) replies:
Thanks for pointing that out. I stand corrected.


> Also although not explicitly spelt out, the article certainly seemed to be 
> biased against Thai,philippino women

If I had to use Russians or Chinese too you would accuse me of being
biased. I had to use some ethnic group, so I just chose the most
popular perception. being Politically Correct can be a pain in the
writing wrist.


> Don't you think we have goan erotic masseurs?

We most definitely do!


> Most of us tend to think that we are cleaner and better than everyone else

That is true. But in my writings I poke fun at our Goan foibles very
often. Matters of sex and sexuality are minefields in which one treads
with extreme caution.


> I see here in Kuwaiti newspapers goan women (and other women of course) are 
> routinely caught offering sexual services.

Not impossible. I don't have access to Kuwaiti newspapers but a
statistical comparison of ethnicities involved in the sex trade would
be revealing.


> I even know personally a couple of married women involved with other 
> married/single men here in Kuwait

Highly possible. I never said Goan women were paragons of virtue. I
just could not get anyone qualified to answer my survey.


> When I worked in Bangalore the reputation of goan girls was that of a fun 
> partner because they apparently give the guy everything and know how to party.
> Most of my north indian male friends desperately wanted to have goan girl 
> friends and even asked me for help.

Perhaps this reputation that Goan girls had/have was more to do with
how Goan women are portrayed in Bollywood movies than based on actual
fact. We tend to confuse a Western attitude with promiscuity.


> I must say that I take offence in your decision to repost that article.
> It might have been a funnier and better article somehow if it dint involve 
> any foreign women.

My apologies if I caused offense. I try as much as I can to make my
columns light enough so they can be read as satire and humour rather
than as serious social commentary. But that is a thin line a writer
walks. Should I cause offense to Goan women and bring on the wrath of
the Bailancho Saad who will definitely have morchas outside my house
and want to face my face black. Or should I risk offending the Thais
and the Filipinos who seem to take their characterisation with the
handful of salt it deserves?

Sure I did the cowardly thing. But discussions like this can set the
record straight.




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