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Making your 'dream wedding' possible


-----Original Message-----
From: Gabe Menezes

>  http://uk.reuters.com/article/idUKTRE5981JP20091009

RESPONSE: Now the Nobel Peace Prize laureate cannot wage war and will desert 
Hindu Kush. Will return his troops to Camps on his spread. Will appear impotent 
dealing with rogue nations........we are reminded of January 2013 on a daily 
basis.......my-my.....Looks more and more like a right-wing 

Seriously.........this is the Nobel Prize committee that failed to recognize 
5-time nominated Mahatma as a Nobel Laureate, even posthumously, albeit the 
Lama and Mandela among others espoused the Gandhian values of non-violence and 
became Nobel Peace Prize laureates.

Another dent in the shine of the Nobels!!

- B

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