Dear Gilbert Lawrence,
You will agree that ignorance vastly amusing as it is in exposure, has been 
helped by the Internet, yes?
It is very likely that many lay people still believe in the virtues of blood 
letting, fire cupping, in  humours, in mercury and arsenic for STDs,  in 
lobotomies, etc and will hold forth on their curative abilities.  
Yes and coffee enemas and the likes for curing cancer!
The advice to forgo vaccination in face of benefit, in oblivion of the scourges 
of smallpox and polio and measles and......        attests to this.   
I. Nunes

--- On Sun, 10/25/09, Gilbert Lawrence <> wrote:

I love these stories; all the details of which may or may not be correct.  
Looks like "targeted therapy" to use a modern 'sophisticated' term.
>I am not sure about the laxative and "The bile would get cleared and those 
>days none suffered from gal stones."  Cleaning the bile right from birth?  
>I thought the laxatives given on a regular basis were to get rid of the worms 
>- specially round worms and whip worms and other worms endemic to Goa / 
>India.  Can someone please give the konakni names for these and other 
>parasitic worms commonly seen amchem tempar? Thanks!
>Regards, GL

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