[Goanet] Old therapy
Talking of babies..
There was ‘gripe water’ too
Tin milk powder was Lactogen, Ostermilk followed by celelec etc
Bhairi or purg, we used to take once in 6 months.
There were two type:
Epsom Salt – Like sugar. Where one full rectangular sachet was added to warm 
Liquid bottle – Thick clear liquid, the name I forgot now. It was ready to use 
One bottle per person about 300ml.
My mom used to wake me up around 3pm and after taking the Purg dose (half a 
I was back to sleep. Vack, I simply hate the purg. However, there was no option 
One hand I  held my nose and the other hand the glass and would take it in one 
Then quickly a teaspoon of sugar to place on our tongue.
Then later during the day, my mom used to ask, how many times? 
Or kitu pautti zalam?
‘Kitu Pautti’ what? Agonk!

There was another therapy called ‘ajit’ or ‘ajut’
An apparatus with flask, pipe/tube,  beak with a cork/Stopper.
The whole thing was called ‘irikador’
It needed another person to hold it high so that water (hot water or medicinal 
water ‘Potash’ (potas or potassium permanganate) ) or boiled water with 
‘porpotto’ flow easily into the system.
However, some people did it on ‘DIY’ basis.
They would hang the flask  to a nail on the wall above the bench on which the 
lied down to irrigate his/her colon.   Hence the therapy also know as colonic 
Porpot’to (still available for sale at Panjim/Margao market)
See it here
apparatus or sort of erikador
related terms: Karg (pottant karz zalam).
We had out own apparatus.  Other people used to borrow from us.
Can you believe it?
I think we gave it without the beak as the same was readily available in the 
(interchangeable beaks)
yet there was also another therapy, usually for elders called ‘Ventoz’ 
We had a set of 12 (imported) sort of small clear glasses/cups or flasks.(shape 
of an electric bulbs)
Light a piece of cotton and quickly inset it in the cup/flask and gently touch 
the patients skin (usually back)  it will grasp the skin so tight that it will 
not fall for at least next 30 minutes  and the process continued till all 6 or 
8 or 10 flacks attached to one’s back. When all done it appeared like 
see it here
.  http://www.flickr.com/photos/joegoaukextras/4041064102/
There was another method and we called it ‘Mitta-Ventoz’ where no cotton was 
instead, a small ‘puddi; with salt kept on the back, it’s tip was lighted and 
then covered with the cup.
There was another thing called ‘hot water bottle?’  A flat rubber bottle filled 
with hot water
'gorom udka xek or humdesanvam?
See pic here

Beside, our house also had other imported items like ‘colwater’,  ‘Sydney tel’ 
(sot of eucalyptus oil), 
Bacaleanv (thick dark liquid vitamin/tonic dose?),  SevenSeas (golden color 
capsules with cod liver oil?), 
Chinese balm (Vicks?) for headaches, cold etc., thermpmeter etc
[Goanet] Old therapy
Albert writes:- Grandma's medicines are the best. 
When the child was born doctor would tell the mothers to give periodically milk 
of magnesia. 
It was white milk coloured purgative .It was given once a month. 
Once the child was grown a little bigger castor oil mixed with tea or milk was 
down our throats and when we reached  the age of 7 and above we used to take 
epsom salt. 
I did not like the taste but had to take it once a year. I would just dump it 
down my throat in 
one go and put a sweet in the month and roam up and down .
I cannot express the feeling here but it was terrible. The whole day was then a 
exercise which was more an encounter with the family pig.But the effect was 
very good. 
The bile would get cleared and those days none suffered from gal stones


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