Date: Sat, 5 Dec 2009 10:33:24 +0530
From: "floriano" <>

But Mario, one thing puzzles me. We in Goa ate nothing but coconut copra oil 
for ages and if people died of choked cardio vascular systems and high LDL we 
would never know. But sure as hell they didn't die at 40-45 :-)). Then, all of 
a sudden this staple became the killer and they fall off their feet at 40-45, 
very much dead. Can you solve this puzzle for me please??

Mario's random thoughts on the end of life:


Not only would Goans eat copra but eggs every day with whole milk and then ate 
the cream with sugar, not to mention Christians eating massive qualtities of 
beef and pork with the fat and skin, after fighting over who got the fat.

Secondly, you have written your "Sure as hell..." personal impressions which 
may or may not conform to actual facts about mortality in Goa. A factor in 
heart attacks is stress which may be much higher these days. I have two male 
ancestors who grew up in Goa and died of heart attacks in British India.  One 
died in 1941 at 53 and his Dad died in 1929 at 87.  I'm hoping I take after the 

Regarding past dietary practices how many times did someone keel over and you 
would hear people at the funeral shake their heads sagely and say, "I don't 
know what happened, murre, he was never sick a day in his life!"  Actually, the 
poor bug...,, chap, was a dead man walking and didn't even know it.

Here is what I realized when I came face to face with my own mortality a few 
years ago.  The minute you are born, you begin to die.  The only questions are 
when and where.  When San Pedro gets his daily computer printout each morning 
and your name's on it, it's "Hasta la vista, baby!"  If your names not on it 
you could fall out of an airplane, or have clogged arteries being treated with 
coconut oil and vauchi baaji and large quantities of water, and he wont let you 

Of course I'm kidding here because a good coroner will be able to tell your 
family precisely what killed you and what you could have done to prolong your 
life, or if it was incurable.  Of course finding out what you could have done 
from your own autopsy doesn't help you any, now does it?

The only benefit of dying from cancer, if I may be blunt, is that one has some 
advance warning and can get their affairs in order before checking out. I had 
contingency plans for a world tour and a big party on my way out. When you have 
the time and energy, might as well go out in style is my philosophy. 

In your case, I think you have either been misdiagnosed or ancillary passages 
have developed around your blockages, which I believe has been known to happen. 
I'm not sure why you were not a candidate for bypass surgery years ago. I'm not 
familiar with the medications that were prescribed and you have refused to 
take. In the US I'm sure you would be have been prescribed Lipitor years ago to 
bring down your cholesterol level and try and reverse your heart disease.  You 
would also be a candidate for a heart transplant which would give you a new 
functioning pump and entirely new plumbing.

If I'm wrong, I'm sure one of our real doctors will correct me now that they 
have had time to get back up and collect themselves:-))  

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