
Photos from Goa's 2009 mando festival:
Event on Wed, Thurs evening from 5 pm onwards, Kala Academy, Panaji-Goa


From: "Nascy Caldeira" <nascy...@yahoo.com.au>
<<Thanks Santosh,
For putting sense into the likes of Floriano and Fred, on this topic.
I cannot believe that these two eminent goanet persons are that gullible to hearsay on the internet.
I hope this is a fitting and final 'lesson' to ignorance re this topic.

OR are Floriano and Fred just jesting, joking, and trying to compete with others who were with like views on ayurveda and homeopathy non sense?
Nascy Caldeira
Melbourne Down Under.
***People die at any age. In our families there have been people who lived for long years (80 or more). But even today there are people who die young. Statistics will not give us accurately the data. True, medicine has advanced today by leaps and bounds. Yet there are limitations and other risk factors. People die young. Old people who have preserved themselves well can live for long (90 and more), not because of modern medicine, but because of self-care. Modern medicine helps, as well as homeopathy and other medical systems, and careful diet, prayer and peaceful environment. No one knows about the future.

------------------------------ Santosh:
There is no such puzzle... In the
old days that Floriano remembers people used to die before
the age of 30 from typhoid, tuberculosis, cholera, small
pox, pneumonia and wound infections. They did not live long
enough to die from a heart attack or stroke. It was only the
lucky ones who lived to see 40 or 45, not having caught the
infections. The few who lived much longer were in addition
naturally selected by their genes.
...the expectancy of a human being in
India was 25 years. This was during the heyday of all kinds
of faith-based nostrums - Ayurveda, Homeopathy and home
remedies of housewives and grandmothers...

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