Date: Sat, 5 Dec 2009 04:24:03 -0800 (PST)
From: Bernado Colaco <>
Subject: [Goanet] Ghantis should be converted

Date: Sat, 5 Dec 2009 20:28:41 -0800 (PST)
From: "" <>

Did I miss out something?

Converted to what?? Christanity??

Mario observes:

I think Bernardo was telling us about Macau, where all the Indians are 
considered "Ghantis" and must have been converted to whatever the heck religion 
they have there so as to preserve the unique "Macauanese" identity - or is it 
the "Macaca" or "Macauan" identity - anyway, you get the point:-))

By this reasoning the Ghantis in Goa must all be converted to Hinduism, which 
is the primary Goan identity the last time I checked, if they are not Hindus 


Hinduism is the dominant religion in Goa. 
[end of excerpt]

Why stop there?  Why not also re-convert all those people converted by the 
Portuguese hundreds of years ago by either force and/or persuasion and/or 
promises of financial benefit, so that we can all go back to the original Goan 

One additional benefit of this would be that all those faux-Christians 
pretending to be Bamons or Chardos or whatnot, will not have to pretend  any 

That way those who are demanding that "the REAL Goan identity" be "saved" will 
get their wish, and love and peace and brotherhood and tranquility will descend 
upon the land, perhaps even sisterhood:-))

I may also be able to retire as the lone voice on Goanet of reason, truth and 
peace:-))  Naaah! There will still be all kinds of other poppycock that needs 
to be corrected or arbitrated or put in proper perspective:-))

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