@ Frederick Noronha:

Rico must be congratulated for putting so succinctly what the RGs feel.
As an example of what an ex-pat can do for his country, I would like to
mention Sam Pitroda. Sam left the States where he was very well of having a
number of patents under his belt and chose to work for India for a pittance
of one dollar a year.
Today, if at all, I am able to communicate with you on Goanet via broadband,
it is thanks to Sam and Rajiv Gandhi who took the initiative to invite him
to India and take up the telecom project.

For more information:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sam_Pitroda

I am sure we have lots of NRGs who can contribute to Goa's prosperity and
improved future

I can also quote the example of a Goan who was a refugee from Uganda, got
admission to Goa Engineering College on a freeship as a Uganda Refugee and
who promptly migrated to Canada after graduation. A total loss to the Goa
Government. To add insult to injury, he curses Goa and the Government. In
konkani we describe such a situation as 'khata tea panar aagta"
Tony de Sa
M   : +91 9975 162 897
Ph. : +91 832 2470 148


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