Dhin'vastam, Dhanyavad to Dhonyavd.*****

>From my earlier post:
dhin'vastam/ dinvas(tam), grateful, appreciative, thankful; Dinvas(i) is the
one (upkari) who is thanking/ conveying gratitude, as in Hanv tuzo upkari;
tuje upkar mantam.

Also: dhi/dhinv, to delight. nourish, satiate. dhin' vastam; dhin,


*****Dhonyavad from Dhanyavad, dhanyavAda m. praise, thanksgiving, give
vad, vAd, vAD, to utter.

Dhan means wealth, money, riches, fortune. It appears as a prefix as in,
Dhangar (shepherd, Shepherd), Dhandevata (Mammon), dhanko (wealthy, girest
Konk), dhandhanya (dhanya = grains, seeds, corn, etc), and Dhanapati (pati /
poti = Lord, master, husband, as also leader). Wealth in those days was
livestock as well as grains. dhan appears as a prefix in other .

Dhonyavad has to have its origin in the dhan/daulat of Dhanapati, the Lord
of wealth aka Kubera (God of the Fields). In the Christian sense perhaps the
materialistic wealth/ materialistic success, aspect was blunted. I surmise
Dhanya was given a connotation (to mean all things coming from a specific
bounty/things bountiful/the horn of plenty --- graces, blessings, success,
and including to cover all bases, the fount of all our materialistic
aspirations) and added vad(a)/ 1. a path, a choice (to move in grace), a way
(seeking help), 2. wisdom (ved(a)>>vada); theory. It is a word that
reaffirms one being. Unlike thank you, it configures your relationship in
the spiritual sense.

To conclude, Dhan(a)pati: pati/poti is ones lord, master, a leader, a
husband--not only in the earthly married sense, but one who husbands
resources as in a higher power. Dhonya+vad.

In the past we heard women say something on the lines of, Mozo poti ani mozo
soglo to. (My Lord and my all). This even when said in English was not meant
lightly, and I know one woman who was so exuberant when she said to me
pre-marriage what her to-be husband would mean to her. pati (husband),
apatitA (to be without husband, be in a state without a husband).

venantius j pinto

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