Chief Minister Digambar Kamat's assurance to Goans regarding demolitions along 
the NH4A, should certainly be understood for what it is - his trademark 
political practice of softening the blow while the State and Central 
governments  together implement their own agenda even against the wishes and 
interests of Goans. After all, just ask anti SEZ campaigners whether Digambar 
Kamat and this very same Kamal Nath (then Minister of Commerce) cared enough to 
fulfil their assurances that "SEZ's would not be thrust upon Goa". Ask Goan 
fishermen if Digambar Kamat, Aleixo Sequeira and Jairam Ramesh have kept the 
promises made by them on the CRZ issue. And last, but not least, let us ask 
Digambar Kamat himself to look deeply and sincerely into his heart and 
truthfully tell us if he has displayed the courage required of a Chief Minister 
to actively stand by his people to the bitter end against projects that are not 
in the best interests of Goa and Goans. In fact, he will forever be remembered 
as the Chief Minister of Goa who ran with the hare and hunted with the hounds. 

It is also very revealing that after demolishing Goan homes, our reward, 
courtesy Kamal Nath will be "payment of minimum toll once the project comes 
up". Our leaders and politicians display exemplary enthusiasm for "development" 
as long as it is built upon the blood, tears and sacrifice of others, even if 
they be the very people they profess to represent. And as for the Herald, 
please do not labour under the delusion that the CM's assurances have  ucceeded 
in "calming fears on NH4A realignment". (Herald, March 24, 2010)

Diana Pinto

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