It is shocking to see the treatment that the Goa Government and the
Goan police meted out to common man and woman in Goa.
Attached are some of tthe first hand reports posted from various sources.

It is amazing how these representatives who are supposed to protect
the people and listen to their legitimate concerns are treating us
Goans as enemies!

Read these reports that have come in


To: Vasco <>

 Dear Vascokars,

It was a sad day [ Monday, 17 May, 2010] to see women protesters being
treated so shabbily by the Goa Police outside the Secretariat in the  Goa
Legislative Assembly complex, Penha de France aka Porvorim, Goa.

The Digital News service message at 6.14 P.M. read thus:
"Scuffle between police & activists. Some women activists complained of
manhandling. 28 arrested & bailed out.Activists still outside police

These were activists from distant villages who had gathered at Verna at
09.30 A.M. If the experience of the activists from Colomb- Quepem [who were
arrested at 10 A.M. and released from Quepem Police Station at 10 P.M.
without being even given water to drink] is anything to go by, they must
have been starved and thirsty by then. Who cares? Definitely not our "Aam
Admi" government. It is for the 'Aam Admi'. The 'Aurat' is invisible to it.

A few protesters [including Carmen de Miranda from Loutolim, Judith Rebelo
fro Verna, Judith Almeida from Colva, Carmen Correia from Chicalim as per
the cable TV news footage; needs to be confirmed] went up to the CM's
office to get his response to the demands circulated earlier. Some of these
demands sought the fulfillment of the assurances given by the CM on 04 March
and 15 April, 2010 during the discussions with a delagtion of GBA and
village groups, others were demands articulated by the Village Groups during
subseuent consultations. From the footage it seems worse than having crashed
into a brick wall ... it looked like the brick wall had collased on the

It is one thing to hear about Dument Peter D'Souza, Succorina Fernandes,
Rama Lavu Velip, Motes Antao being roughed up by the Police on 25 March,
2008, while protesting against the illegal cutting of trees in Govt. and
Private forests to create an acess road for an allegedly illegal mine at
Colomb-Quepem or to hear about Shyamsundar Pundalik Naik and his wife
Sharmila being arrested form Varcha Vaddo, Advalpal   in Bicholim taluka and
quite another to see footage of people being similarly treated at the Goa
Legislative Asembly Complex. Now the city dwellers and the coastal people
will share the pain of the forgotten people of the mining belt. They have
felt it themselves. The Goa Police, the Goa Administration [the entire block
of IAS officers works in the Secretariat complex] and the Goa government
seem to care a damn.

Complaints about Police excesses are dealt by the SPCA for the Police in
Goa, headed by Justice Silva ....the Silver lining in the moderation of
executive powers. The GSPCA can direct the superior/controlling officer to
take corrective/punitive action and ensure compliance.

Women's issues are in the ambit of the Goa State Women's Commission which
has quasi judicial powers like the District Collector. It can... and has in
the past ... summon erring policemen before it and reprimand them.

These are not illiterate village women with no wherewithall to fight for
justice, ignorant of law or without media support like the victims in the
mining belt. They are not without from women's organizations like Bailancho
Sad, Bailancho Ekvott, etc and from NGOs and CSOs. It is time the law
enforcers had a taste of the law they are supposed to enforce, without fear
or favour, and .... like human beings.

Charity begins at home. Law enforcement must begin with the Home Secretary
.... with his office also located in the Secretariat. The administration
cannot hide behind the aprons of our entirely Male ministry ...and treat all
women of Goa with the same disdain they treat the lone woman MLA
...including in the Mormugao PDA, [if the notings in the files obtained
under RTI 2005 are to be believed] althoug she theoretically heads the

Just because women form slighly less than 50% of Goa's population, they
cannot be treated like an insignificant minority.

I am just penning some of my personal views. [Please see disclaimer at the
end of the post]. I am sure the organisations will meet tomorrow to frame
their "official" responses.

Mog asundi


--- On *Mon, 17/5/10, Miguel Braganza <>* wrote:

From: Miguel Braganza <>
Subject: Village Groups of Goa demonstrators arrested?
Date: Monday, 17 May, 2010, 4:00 PM

At 14.55.55 hours on 17 May, 2010 "*Activists from various villages marched
on Secretariat protesting against Govt. commissions and omissions on various
fronts..Few protestors detained*" says Digital Goa SMS news service.

Adds:Sebastian Rodrigues:
 Sent at 3:36 PM on Monday
Monday, May 17, 2010
 Around 40 people from village groups arrested in
According to the just received information around 40 people from various
village groups are arrested are taken into Porvorim police station. They had
gone to meet the Chief Minister regarding the regional plan and other issue
including stopping of illegal mining and ban on new mining licensed. Chief
Minister Digambar Kamat reportedly refused to meet up the villagers. Police
team was stationed and police officer - name yet to be conformed - slapped
one female protester - name yet to be confirmed.

Various people from all over Goa are sent messages to come towards Porvorim
Police Station by the protesters. More details are awaited.

Please call up Goa Chief Minister Digambar Kamat urgently and question him.
His office phone numbers are 2419841, 2411049. His official residence
numbers are 2224170, 2224995. His Marga residence phone number is 2730432.
Fax number include 2419846, 2223648. You can also speak to him at his mobile

The final list of the demands to be submitted to Chief minister are not yet
known. But it is roughly as listed in the following link:


Police were Dy. S.P. Deu Banaulekar and P.I. Devendra Gad.
Woman injured is Mrs. Pereira w/o John in the assault and Mrs. Pinto w/o
Edwin in the melee.
Info according to Edwin Mascarenhas on phone.
20 persons with proforma arrest. 19 Released on personal  bond. John Philip
Pereira of Nagoa Verna so far refusing personal bond.

No women Police were present.

Sections under which arrests were made are not known [Possibly trespass
and unlawful assembly, public nuisance, etc]

One 'gentleman' is alleged to have some fetish for the part of the anatomy
where poets say 'hope springs eternal' in human beings. One such complaint
was filed with the DGP last year by a couple from Porvorim during his
earlier stint at the same station. Another complaint has been dealt by the
SPCA for the Police in Goa, headed by Justice Silva ....the Silver lining in
the administration of executive powers.

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