George Menezes  write :


Whoever Godfrey Pereira is, we Goans need to either give him an award, 
> or pin a medal on his Bleddy East Indian chest.  
> Godfrey Pereira, a journalist who once worked with Sunday magazine 
> Kolkotta and India Today wrote a ?no holds barred? piece on the Goanet 
> chastising the laid-back Goans and literally tearing them to pieces in 
> the same fashion as the mine owners are tearing up the rich Goan soil 
> mindless of the destruction that is caused all around.


> Whether castigating Goans or praising East Indians, Godfrey has not done 
> his home work as well as he should have


Comments :  Camilo Fernandes


I enjoyed reading George's article which is very thought provoking and to the 
point.  Godfrey Pereira had written his article on bloddy Goans many months ago 
and I remember it has created a lot of controversy both for and against his 
views.   His language may have been a bit harsh but one must take it with a bit 
of humour.  After all some  truth does hurt.  It made Goans get up from their 
slumber whether out of rage or reality.  He may have castigated Goans while 
taking up for East Indians (not a surprise he being one).  However we have to 
bear in mind that whether we are Goans, East Indians, HIndus, Mangaloreans etc. 
and whatever religion we follow we all have to come together to fight the 
forces which are destroying our common good.  Whether fighting in Gorai/Uttan 
or in Goa we should all unitedly put up resistance and expose the wrong doings.


He mentioned :

"""The reality today is that Goans have, however slowly, turned into human 
> rights activists. There are individuals like Sebastian Rodrigues, Venita 
> Coelho, Padma Shri Norma Alvares. Hartman de Souza, Durgadas Gaonkar and 
> many more. 


> There are Organizations like the renowned Doctor Oscar Rebello?s Goa 
> Bachao Abiyan, Floriano Lobo?s Goa Su-Raj Party, Bailancho Sad, or the 
> very recent Community activism through ?Video Volunteers? at village level."""


Yes we should stand by leaders who with great risks are coming forward and 
unitedly give our support so that politicians and vested interests know that we 
all  are united and they

cant go against the wishes of the people.   It does not  matter how little we 
can contribute to the good cause, we should come forward to expose and do our 


Best wishes.  Dev borem korum.


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Details of the book

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