India is poorer today than it was 20 years ago. It has more poor people than 
whole of Africa combined. It doesn't reduce its poverty; it just redistributes 
it. If you are a relatively prosperous state, rest assured in 50 years time, 
will become another slum of India. Then we will have movies 
and documentaries made telling us how fulfilling slum life is and how organic 
living in one of these human sewers can be.
If anyone thinks I am joking and that it won't happen to Goa, I urge them to 
visit Mangor hill of Vasco. What was once the abode of proud Vasco Gaunkaris is 
now a slum. In the morning, one can wake up to the delicious smell of human 
sewage wafting through the air as one makes their way to white-washed Church 
children filtering in to schools, holding on to the last vestiage of a 
life. Our home is now on the pheriphery of slumville. Beyond our home lies 
and acres of usurped communidade land turned into shanties. Proper Vascoites 
cannot afford to buy land. They move out of Vasco and into some tiny flat.
This is what India contributes.

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