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    NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
         With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
                    former Chief of Indian Army Staff
           and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

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Poverty in India has declined over the last four decades. The percentage of 
population living below the poverty line in 1974 in rural and urban areas was 
56% and 49%, respectively. In 1994 it was 37% and 32%, respectively. Today it 
is less than 27% and 23%, respectively.



--- On Tue, 12/28/10, Carvalho <elisabeth_...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> India is poorer today than it was 20
> years ago. It has more poor people than the 
> whole of Africa combined. It doesn't reduce its poverty; it
> just redistributes 
> it. If you are a relatively prosperous state, rest assured
> in 50 years time, you 
> will become another slum of India. Then we will have movies
> and documentaries made telling us how fulfilling slum
> life is and how organic 
> living in one of these human sewers can be.
> If anyone thinks I am joking and that it won't happen to
> Goa, I urge them to 
> visit Mangor hill of Vasco. What was once the abode of
> proud Vasco Gaunkaris is 
> now a slum. In the morning, one can wake up to the
> delicious smell of human 
> sewage wafting through the air as one makes their way to
> white-washed Church and 
> children filtering in to schools, holding on to the last
> vestiage of a civilised 
> life. Our home is now on the pheriphery of slumville.
> Beyond our home lies acres 
> and acres of usurped communidade land turned into shanties.
> Proper Vascoites 
> cannot afford to buy land. They move out of Vasco and into
> some tiny flat.
> This is what India contributes.
> Best,
> Selma


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