Sebastian Borges wrote:
[1] As often happens, FN has gone off on a handle,
[2] But FN has introduced an unforgiveable untruth into the internet database.
[3] One should not bring in one's ignorance as fact. When unsure, ask!

Dear Prof Borges,

As one who knows very little - in general, I find your advice to FN
(in #3 above) very appropriate for someone like me.  Just so that I do
'not bring in my ignorance as fact' and as 'I am unsure', wrt #1, may
I ask you if the following phrase exists in the English language (in
Romi or in Devanagri): "Gone off on a handle"?

It was always my understanding (and I stand corrected) that "the
handle stayed put" ....but "the person flew off it". Are you referring
to a very 'frak' handle which went along with the person "on it"?

wrt #2: Accepting that FN made an error, why, may I ask, is his error
unforgiveable? Are you, Prof Borges, blemish-free?

good wishes as always


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