On Tue, 7 Jun 2011 10:26:17 -0700 (PDT), "Vivian A. DSouza" 
About time people learn to respect the sanctity of places of worship, whether 
Hindu, Christian, Moslem or Sikh.
Places of worship are exactly that,? and not a museum or entertainment center.? 
I hope that the dress code is more strictly applied at all places of worship, 
and not just a select few.??We Goans are a laid-back tolerant lot, but we have 
to draw the line somewhere.? Kudos to the temples who have imposed the dress 
code !
I was in Kerala (Kottakkal) with my wife for a month. My wife accompanied a 
friend she made there to one of the temples in the area. Although dressed in 
ankle length formal trousers and long sleeve kurta, she was denied entry at the 
temple because she was attired in trousers - only saree clad women folk were 
allowed in for worship. She was told - "Lady, Lady in pants, don't enter. Only 
Saree dress allowed." Sanctity preserved here.
Go to our Old Goa churches and you see people in beach wear inside clicking 
pictures posing as honeymooners. I have seen this during my several visits. 
Maybe because our Old Goa churches are under ASI care and they don't care ??
Agnelo Fernandes
Calangute, Goa

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