Soter Commented:
Leave aside the media, do the Goa miners and builders not control the
literary and activist circles and so claimed intelligensia of Goa? The
miners and builders decide who will rule Goa, isn't it?
While Vedanta's mining will get world wide publicity for its impact on Goa,
the filth of other culprits will be swept under the carpet and projected as
philantrophists. How many of the elite activists will boycott a social
function if the mining lobby is present or hosting it? These will be claimed
to be two different issues, isn't it?
Let us continue to celebrate in a fools paradise called Goa. As the bible
says, "How would it benefit a man to gain the whole world and lose his own

Carmen's comment:
The initiative to speak about mining in Goa at Goa Global Convention was
precisely to expose the impact of all mining in Goa, the legal and illegal,
the illegalities of the legal who now we find are in fact also illegal,  and
to dispel  the myths regarding the "benefits of mining to Goa".

You can continue to celebrate " in a fools paradise called Goa" if that is
what you want to do. But I will meanwhile try my best to let at least the
entire Goan community worldwide (including Goa) know about the impact of all
mines in Goa and not only of Vedanta. Vedanta is of particular interest to
people in UK because it is the only multinational company operating in Goa
and registered in UK, so the British investors have a say about this
particular business. All the other mining companies are  mostly "family
businesses" and possibly of more interest to Goans, because almost all
belong to Goans.

This initiative can be one among many catalysts for CHANGE IN GOA.
I don't give up easily.....and no one in Goa should give up either. I
believe in the power of the TRUTH about this issue which people need to know


George commented:
"There should not be any doubt that Goa's media is on the side of the mine
owners, mega-project builders, politicians - they are linked through
business dealings, "awards" and "grants" for art and entertainment events,
sponsorships, advertising."


  • ... Carmen Miranda
    • ... Mervyn Lobo
      • ... Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
        • ... George Pinto
    • ... Mario Andrew Rodrigues
    • ... Carmen Miranda

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