It Will Be The Aam Aadmi Calling, Not Amma, Nor Anna


At the moment, the Congress government at the centre looks to be staggering and
going around in circles, trying to find it's own tail in broad daylight, in
handling the issue of corruption, which has stretched and swelled in it's own
ranks and foundations and even the handling of the old army boy, Anna Hazzare,
certainly lacked prudence, as well as foresight and has indeed left much to be
desired. A party of stalwarts and legends in Indian Politics, Congress has been
slipshod and incompetent and very much ineffective, to say the least.


Right from Independence, the Congress has been smeared in scams and
controversies but in the last decade, it has escalated into a free for all orgy,
where not just crores but thousand of crores have been waylaid, siphoned and
redirected through the political conduits into their own personal holdings in
India as well as abroad, which has now become the major caused of social and
political turmoil in India.


Over the years corruption has reached unprecedented heights in India and our
Political and our bureaucratic Babus, have been wholly and solely responsible
for the ascendance this unholy malevolence. If not for the "ghaplas" and
"gotalas" the old army man, Anna Hazzare would not have been heard off, but
today whole India is moved into a tsunami, supporting his fight against this
social and economic evil. There may be thousands like me, who have high regards
for Anna, but is this the process and progress of a healthy democracy ? Will
people have to take to the streets every time they want to voice their fears and
concerns, putting the lives of innocent people at stake ? Is the end result more
important than the means to get there ?


On one side we all say Anna jai ho ! In support of Anna against corruption but
on the other side, we still elect the same corrupt elements for a few notes and
goodies. How is it, that the very same people baying against corruption one
minute, loose their pragmatism the next ? The corrupt elements are not new, they
have been elected term after term by none other than our corrupt selves, so what
logic do we espouse in supporting Anna against corruption, if we ourselves are
corrupt in electing the corrupt ? What good will it do if we have a fortress of
a Bill but elect the same Johns from the brothel ? 


A lot of luminaries say that even with the implementation of the Lokpal Bill can
anyone guarantee that corruption will cease to exist ? I don't think even Anna
would be able to answer that in the affirmative. There is no doubt that we need
a strong Lokpal Bill, but more than that, first, we need incorruptible Indians,
because without incorruptible Indians there just cannot be incorruptible
elements in the Government, it is only because we are corrupt that we have
corrupt politicians and corrupt bureaucrats. So no Lokpal Bill will change the
system if we ourselves don't change. Like Gandhi-ji said let's be the change
that want to be.  


It amuses me to no end, when the PM of our country says, Lokpal will not stop
corruption, a statement from a renowned, revered and respected personality, whom
people still believe to be incorruptible though a lot has been said about his
spine or rather the lack of it in handling corruption. The Home minister says
that laws are not made in parks in a democracy but in Parliament, right, but
when the Parliament itself is desecrated and it's sanctity reduced to that of a
brothel by its very inhabitants, what are the people suppose to do ? If people
have the right to elect our babus to Parliament, they also have the right to
show their displeasure too. It may not be the best way but may be the only way
left at their disposal.


Corruption in India will not be blown out like a candle in an instance, it will
take a long process to change the present opaque system and a strong Lokpal Bill
can be just the jump-start that needs to get the process moving forward, rest
can follow and if we all Indians can change our mindset and be incorruptible
ourselves, it will not be impossible to weed out corruption from India and the
same goes for our beloved Goa. 


I would like to remind our Home Minister and all his political and bureaucratic
Babus that if things do not change and continue as they are and if push comes to
shove, it will not be Amma calling from the hospital, nor Anna from Tihar jail,
but the Aam Aadmi from the street, do not ever underestimate the power of the
people, world around has been witnesses to it in recent times, which India and
Goa could very well do without !


Freddy Agnelo Fernandes


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