Vasco sitting on the time bomb
It has been voiced time and again the danger to civilian population by
the facilities in and around Vasco The airport, though fortunately it
has not caused any  disaster thus far. The storage oil tanks are like
ticking bomb waiting to explode. The Naptha  pipe line has been in the
news a second time, with more furry and damage. Mercifully it has not
costs human life to a great extent and the damage is limited and
manageable Once again the storage tanks of ammonia is  disaster
waiting to happen way back only one ammonia cylinder leaked at
Dandeavado, Chinchinim causing substantial damage to the environment
and affected health of the people in the surroundings The disaster
Management facility is still not in place either to attend natural
calamities or man made occurrences When the service Department  like
roads repairs, water department laying water pipelines, the telephone
companies laying underground cables their respective personnel must
supervise and be on site Since there are no permanent conduits
/channels for such service providers, at least there should be surface
markers hence forth to warn the indiscriminate digging. The concerned
authorising department of such works must compulsorily intimate the
respective   service providers of the work undertaken. Many a time the
workers are uneducated and  their only interest is completion of work
in a hurry to save time with least emphasis on damage that might
arise. This is not limited only to Vasco ,it is a common  disturbance
to the citizens all over  the land with increasing frequency and least
concerns of inconvenience caused. One wonders the depth to which these
inflammable Naphtha pipe line is laid to be vulnerable so easily?
Mostly such works are undertaken in the acquired land. How then
dwellings permanent or temporary nature were allowed  to spring up
unmindful of the potential danger ? The auhtorities concerned must be
held accountable The Govt must act and shift these potential bombs to
safer places beyond  the safe perimeter of human settlements before
another serious tragedy strikes Alternatively residential quarters
must be located outside the limits of personal safety by enforcing
strict regulations existing or legislated.
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim 9850926276

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