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Message: 2

Date: Sat, 10 Sep 2011 17:58:28 -0400

From: Zelma DeSouza <>

Subject: Re: [Goanet] Food of another day... nachni


Hi Zelma,


Happy to know that you still use "Nachnne" for your kids nutrition.  


Nachnne or gondde as they are known in the south, are the most nutritious and
the porridge as you called it is prepared in three ways, one is called "Ambil"
and the other two called "tizan". Ambil is prepared by soaking the powdered
nachnne in rice water (nis) over night and tizan is prepared with coconut juice
with sugar or "godd", sometimes milk is used instead of coconut juice. My Mom
use to grow Nachnne every alternate year. In my younger days my Mom use to make
tizan every alternate day during the holidays when I and my sisters were back
home from the boarding, on other days she use to make "golxem" or "attol" or
"sullolio" in coconut juice. 


But the one that was given to a post delivery women "bannott" was mostly "Ambil"
it was said that it helps with the healing of any operation, scientifically I am
not sure if it's been proved but our older generations believed in it's open
wound or cut, healing powers.


During my college days in 1977 in Bombay, I was injured while playing basketball
when I landed on an iron rod that ripped my right thigh, on the outside, gash
deep enough to expose my thigh bone, I had 24 stitches on the inside and 24 on
the outside, it was a very bad cut lost a lot of blood, two day later while in
hospital my Mom arrived from Goa and guess what, brought half a sack of Nachnne
with her, it was Aimbil for breakfast and tizan in the evening for the next few
months and somehow the big gash healed in no time and I was back on the
basketball court, football and hockey fields in less than three months. The only
problem I had with Ambil was, it dries up the stomach and use to have a torrid
time to do my morning chore !


I still love my tizan, and we still have it at home very often, my wife use to
even bring nachnne to Abu Dhabi on her visits here, the kids use to love it too.


I am not sure if some of our kids today know what "tizan" is in this morden day
of junkfood ? 


Freddy Agnelo Fernandes     




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