Fun lovers in Doha woke up thrilled and enthusiastic on 11-11-11, for it was the much awaited day of the year. Goan Welfare Association’s (GWA) annual picnic at Fuwairit beach to the North of Qatar, the most beautiful and exotic place to have lot of fun under the sun. While boarding the buses, a heat of burning excitement was sensed amongst all picnickers and all were welcomed by the dynamic team of GWA. Breakfast was served and the convoy of three packed buses and many private vehicles headed from Doha to the picnic spot. Our picnickers settled down and refreshed with some good breakfast. On arriving at Fuwairit beach, GWA President Simon D’Silva welcomed the members, guests, friends, followed by a prayer led by Jessie De Sa. Cultural Secretary, Effey Noronha lined up lot of games and fun activities such as lemon and spoon, sack race, dodge ball, filling the bucket with water, balloon dance for couples, Tug-of war, breaking the pot for children and adults. Maria (Lulu) Pinto with her usual enthusiasm coordinated these activities. Children were enjoying themselves swimming, building sandcastle, playing cricket, football, etc. All Just played, had fun and enjoyed the games. It was a day full of fun, laughter, games, food, beverages and lots of socialising and reminiscence.

It was a great community gathering where everyone helped in some form or the other whether it is setting up the canopy, carrying picnic tables, serving the snacks, heating up the food, ensuring that everyone is having a good time.

At noon, sumptuous lunch was served while people danced to the tunes of DJ Glorio. The lunch break was followed with a swim in the sea by small and big and later everyone sat down and relaxed playing a mega game conducted by the Doha’s profound sophisticated entertainer, Lucy Fernandes with her amusing and dynamic style. After tea and biscuits, an exciting game of tug-off-war ladies versus ladies, gents versus gents got many energised to get their favourite team to win. Lots of action was witnessed by the onlookers, who cheered from the sidelines.

Lucky winners for lemon & spoon for boys and girls were Lindsey D’Silva, Stephan Pereira, Elena Noronha and Chinara Rodrigues. Filling the bucket with water were Elena Noronha, Danika Rodrigues, Shawn Rodricks and Veron Gomes. Winners for sack race for boys and girls were Joana Dias, Malaika Fernandes and Marlon Pereira. Dodge Ball winners for ladies and gents were Yvette Fernandes, Anthea Rodrigues, Milburn Camillo and Sunil D’Souza while ballroom dance winning couple was Edmin & Kushnur D’Souza. The winners of mega game conducted by Lucy Fernandes were Melissa Carvalho, Varun Arjun, Milburn Camillo, Anthea Rodrigues and the mega prize two airline tickets to any destination in the world sponsored by Melwyn Barretto was won by Anthony Gomes. Consolation prize sponsored by Archie D’Mello was won by Sanlorf D’Silva, Sherwyn Barretto won the spot prize, and other sponsors were Cajie Fernandes and Kevin Rodrigues.

Simon D’Silva profusely thanked all the participants and guests for making it a very successful and fun thrilling.!/media/set/?set=a.10150410084150340.392177.693950339&type=3!/media/set/?set=a.10150410426405340.392209.693950339&type=3!/media/set/?set=a.10150410482185340.392221.693950339&type=3

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