I have to yet again correct the false and misleading misinformation/
disinformation spread by Santosh. First of all. knowledge and
information is not the exclusive preserve of politicians as a person
who claims to possess scientific temper ought to know. Secondly,
Faleiro wasn’t referring to recent times. He was only restating what
he had said in another article in 2008. I quote him:****

** **


 ‘I spent the month of September 2004 in the villages of Orissa, in
the districts of Kandhamal and Mayurbhanj where Rev. Graham Staines
and his two sons were killed some years ago. The purpose was to study
and understand the open confrontation which has existed for long in
that State between Christian and Hindu missionaries for conversion and
reconversion (ghar wapsi). Mainline Christian theologians see both the
 Sangh Parivar’s Hindutva ideology and Christian campaigns for
evangelisation of India as having a fundamentalist attitude and
aggressive methodology to achieve their respective goals. An agreement
on the lines described in the aforesaid document among the leaders of
all the major religious denominations in India is the need of the



** **

Further, Faleiro was not and could not have been referring to the
recent incidents in Kashmir as he was merely restating what he said 4
years ago with specific reference to Orissa.****

** **

On Kashmir, the recent conflict over conversions has local
connotations and is being exploited by vested interests. Very often
politicians and local big-wigs desire some favour from Christian-run
schools or institutions, and when they do not get it, the bogey of
conversions is thrown at them and used as a red herring. Refer to this


** **


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** **

Interestingly, Syed Ali Shah Geelani the hardliner Hurriyat Conference
chairman has come out openly in support of the missionaries and
decried the actions of Islamic organisations. Refer-****

** **


** **

** **

I must thank Santosh for providing weblinks to the two articles on the
North East. These articles merely trace the growth of Christianity in the
North East. Nowhere does it talk of religious conflict. The articles are
well written and balanced. I would recommend them to all to read
and understand about the North East  The articles only support and
reinforce what I have been saying.****

** **


‘Mizoram is practically free from the menace of insurgency. Similar is the
case of Meghalaya and Arunachal Pradesh. Therefore, the apprehension of the
dismemberment of Northeast from India through the so called co-ordinated
challenge to the Indian core is far from the ground reality. Only some
misguided sections in Nagaland, Manipur, Tripura and Assam are working for
India's inimical neighbours and anti-Indian forces only for their
self-serving interest. They need to be handled with a strong political will
as the rise of a sovereign state depends upon the integration of its
diverse regions under a centripetal pull. Once the forces of disintegration
are allowed to grow it will be the beginning of its decline.’


** **

 Now, I wonder what motivates Santosh to mislead and mispresent facts and
obfuscate issues. ****

** **


** **


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*A former Congress Union Minister like Mr. Eduardo Faleiro who serves all
people of India rather than the parochial interests of just one community
or one religio-political point of view knows his facts about India much
better than some random Goanetter who claims to know the facts. He was
talking about recent times, not ancient history, in Kashmir and the tribal
regions of India where religion and religious conversions and
re-conversions have increasingly become one of the major factors
contributing to conflict. Here are the facts described in articles related
to this issue and the broader issue of the religious problem in Kashmir:




Here is a related news story from last November that Mr. Faleiro most
likely had in mind:


Regarding North Eastern India, here are two articles giving a
comprehensive description of the factual situation in this region, and
the contributions of religion, religious conversions, and the
resultant Hindu-Christian and tribal religious conflicts:

Article 1 ---

Article 2 --- http://www.southasiaanalysis.org/papers17/paper1700.html

Regarding Orissa, here is an article in the Wall Street Journal
describing facts regarding religious conversions and re-conversions
causing conflicts:




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