Mapusa is in the limelight, it being the residential town of both CM M.
Parrikar and Dy CM Francis C J D'Souza.

Unfortunately, Mapusa reeks like a pig sty and is in a total shambles. From
being North Goa's premier shopping/ bazaar town, it has descended to
becoming a ghanti town. The problem with Mapusa is the same as what ails
most of Goan towns. Please don't glorify them by calling them cities.
Parking is chaotic, the roads are narrow, the pavements are encroached,
there is tons of garbage, real stinky garbage strewn all around. Pan
splatters stain the external walls. Public amenities - toilet facilities,
parks, gardens, etc are prominent by their absence. The Ravindra Bhavan
which was supposed to come up was delayed because of the customary 20
percent baksheesh to the Minister for PWD (+ 2 p.c. for his agent) was not
coughed up. The bus stand is in a mess and stinks more like an open sewer.
The Market requires a total overhaul and the fish and vegetable markets are
crying for completion.

The big nullah which carries raw sewage and then empties itself into one of
the creeks of the Mapusa river is a health disaster waiting to happen.

Our CM and Dy CM (also the Urban Affair Minister) pass through Mapusa every
day. With there be a bonanza for Mapusa in terms of real development and
beautification? Last time round when Parrikar was the CM he had said that
he would clean up Mapusa since he had finished with Panjim and that Mapusa
was neglected. Unfortunately, the reins of Government were snatched from
his hands. So will Parrikar and Francis rise to the occasion and revive the
lost glory of Mapusa?


** "Tony de Sa" < tonydesa at gmail dot com > **

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