Dear Tony,
My heart goes out to you because every bit of what you write is true and you 
have no hesitation in calling a spade a spade. You're an honest to goodness 
Goan, the sort of chap that works all his life and expects nothing more from 
the world than a quiet, clean, civil country to live in.
The truth of the matter is 50 years after Liberation, the townships have been 
made unfit for human habitation. What makes this an absolute crime against 
humanity is that each of our MLAs are worth their weight in crores. An honest 
Goan working a lifetime cannot save a crore and believe me that applies even to 
NRIs, yet these men have managed to leech off the Goan blood while the 
townships rot.
This is something the Parrikar government can certainly make a start in 
correcting and I hope they do, starting with Digu's own constituency Margao. If 
you think Mapusa is a ghanti town, then a visit to Margao will make you feel 
considerably better in living on that side of the Zuari.

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