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Roland has strummed an audible note, because unlike a conventional cello which 
is made up of four temperamental strings: (tolerance, survival, revival and 
camaraderie) the Goan cello came equipped with a fifth string:  malice.  
Traditionally, a cello comes to life when the strings vibrate upon being 
caressed by the bow, and the vibrations resonate within the body of the cello 
itself. These vibrations then transcend into the air and become the ethos that 
either extracts one out of the alley or sends one scurrying back!
Historically, the 4-string cello was ingenuously goanized into a single-string 
cello.  Without succumbing to the risk of divulging which specific string, a 
consummate Goan can play the solo-stringed cello like a virtuoso!  Today, this 
one of a kind, endangered single-string cello continues to be culturally 
camouflaged and closeted.  That moot concern aside, Goans for the most part are 
genuinely good and harmless, and if you keep your distance, you are most likely 
to be within striding reach of a shopping mall where you can purchase ear 
muffs, antacids, life insurance policy, et. al,  and that too, at super duper 
prices! And Selma, if I have been gone for long, it is because the solo string 
to my faux cello snapped some eons ago and I am not sure if I want to 
reactivate my allegiance by restoring it.  But if I did decide, where could I 
get an authentic replacement?  In Assolna or Chor Bazaar? 
Dom Martin
_________________________<<<<Roland wrote:Who said Goanet was devoid of humor 
these days?Selma asked:I was wondering if anyone would be able to comment on 
this. In Salcete largeareas do not have bamons. Would Assolna of Salcete have 
had bamons. Whatwould be the possibility of a man who set up a school in 
Assolna beingbamon?In rush three gentlemen (this title used for civil, not 
meritoriouspurposes) taking the following positions:……….>>>> 
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