(a) jc APRIL 12, 2012: It (The 'Caste' nonsense) has done enough of
havoc in East Africa (inter alia, pl read Ben Antao's The tailor's

(b) Bosco APRIL 15, 2012: I believe Ben's novel infers on the
theatrics of upper caste men in Goa (not East Africa) vis-a-vis lower
caste women.

(c) Roland APRIL 15, 2012: Well and truly said Bosco.

(d) Roland APRIL 16, 2012: G2 was convincing us based on Ben Antao's
fictitious book that Goans went there "TO ESCAPE" the caste system.
Busted, G2!


Dear Herr Goebel,

I accept that, of late, some of us have been having a tough time
"debating" with those who read and review before scripting a post. It
is something that one is forced to get used to .... in grad school.

Even so, while some of us follow that discipline after leaving
'school', others, regrettably, do not. The latter, often, tend to
CONJURE UP stuff to suit their own pre-judged views of others. It
matters little that they do NOT really know the 'other' even
marginally well enough to comment; but comment they do. Hence, the
need for triumphant Goebelization.

For instance, WHERE did jc state/infer/impute/dream ...that "Goans
went (to Africa) there "TO ESCAPE" the caste system?

I always believed (and still do) that Goans (like many other folks)
migrated (or joined the merchant navy) for better economic prospects.
They still do IMHO.

Now ....here, particularly for Bosco's attention, is Ben's own excerpt
(from his NOVEL). I believe that (as almost always) the facts speak
for themselves.

Eliza knew that Goan tailors prospered wherever they worked, although
in the larger Goan community their social status was low for they were
victims of caste discrimination. No matter where they settled, their
caste followed them, and Eliza’s parents had always been treated as
inferior beings in Nairobi, even though they were successful tailors.

With the best of wishes, as always

sub-sub-Harijan/Kunbi + lower than the lowest.

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