The question now
arises as to when there are/were so many catholic MLAs in present and past Goa 
Assemblies why none of them ever raised the question of proportionate
representation to catholics on the lines of proportionate representation to SC
and ST communities. It is natural to ask this question when you learn that some
of the heavy weight politicians in Goa has been Catholics. What then on planet
earth prevented them from raising the question of proportionate representation
to the community from which they come from? What prevented catholic mulnivasi
politicians, shudra politicians from raising the question of proportionate
representation to catholic shudra community in Goa? Their silence on this
matter led to the use and discard of Catholics by various governments in the 
and BJP government currently in power is the latest instance of this. One can
understand the studied silence on this matter by Catholic Bamon politicians for
by birth they are not shudras and they are not expected to put their tongues to
the job to further the advancement of shudras in Goa for bamons leave by using
and discarding of Shudras. It does not matter whether they are Catholics or
adhering to some other religion. Urge and cunningness to exploit and rule over
shudras is their specialty.

Let’s re-focus on
our question as to why Catholic Shudra politicians in Goa Assembly never
demanded proportionate representation/reservation to Catholics in Goa. Surely
if they are genuine representatives of the catholic community then they ought
to raise this issue on priority basis. The fact is that no community in India
has genuine representative as their MLA or MP and present set up of our
democracy does not carry possibility either. That’s why people who get elected
and go in the state assemblies and parliament does not raise the genuine
concerns of their communities when they speak out.  That why India has 75% (83 
crore people out
of total 120 crore) of the population living under poverty line with daily
income of less than Rs.20/-. They all vote in the elections and yet this state
of affairs.

If one has to become
MLA then one needs to win the favour of the political party – BJP or Congress:
both the brahmanical parties in india. Only when one finds the favour of the
parties then the person get a Party ticket to contest elections. After that
person contests elections, goes and meets up people to ask for votes and then
gets elected to the office of an MLA. However after the elections he does not
raise the genuine issues of the community such as proportionate representation.
This is because the person has to remain faithful to the party that has
accorded him the party ticket in the beginning to contest elections. Community
has not granted him the ticket to contest elections. Community gave him votes
only after he got the party ticket. Party ticket takes precedence over
community vote. Community votes are useless without party ticket.  So the MLA 
though going from the community
becomes never representative of the community but representative of the Party
that gave him the ticket. This is a system in place currently that thwarts the 
of genuine community representative from getting elected.    

M.K.Gandhi created this system by putting his
life in risk with his 21 day fast at Yeroda jail in Pune to force great
Dr.Bhimrao Ambedkar into signing of Poona Pact on 24th September
1932. Community were disenfranchised and political parties were concentrated
with power to give tickets. Political Parties are either overtly or covertly
brahmincal in their orientation. Brahmanical orientation is always to use and
discard mulnivasis. This is also the case of political parties in Goa –
National parties and Regional parties alike. This Poona pact was applied to SC
and ST community via article 330 and 332 of the Indian Constitution. OBC got
this system dumped on them through Panchayati Raj Act that makes provision of
reservation for OBC. Without discussions this Poona Pact is also applied to
minorities such as Christians, Muslims, Sikh and remaining others. Dr. Ambedkar
termed the people getting elected through this system as stooges, agents, 
dalals and bhadwas. 

This is the reason
why catholic MLA in Goa never raises the issue of their community; forget about
resigning as a minister in community interest. Current 40 members Goa
Legislative Assembly has 14 Catholic MLAs spread in various political parties
and independents.  Few of them catholic

Catholic community
and Bhahujan samaj are both exploited and ruled over by bamons. What options
for their community betterment remained in their hands? Community leadership
that is compromising must be kicked out and new non-compromising leadership
that is well versed with caste undercurrents must take over and join nationwide
agitation under the banner of Bharat Mukti Morcha. This will flush out all the
available junk.


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