Does any one know if Bendo Juze is a pseudonym or a breathing Goenkar?  In the 
admirable quest to spotlight Great Goans, Bendo penned an article titled:  “Fr. 
Chico Monteiro – An Inspiration to the True Goan Heart” 
The article was posted by Niz Goenkar.  I liked the article because I could 
truly relate to it  -- being that the entire text relating to Fr. Chico was 
plagiarized, verbatim, from my article “Fr. Chico Monteiro:  A Seed in 
Oblivion” (

However, unlike the alleged grievance purporting to the absence of comments 
parlayed in the “Eugene Correia was acting the boss of Niz Goenkar” post,  
Bendu’s post on Fr. Chico garnered 10 comments.  Perhaps, it does pay to 

As for those who remain critical of Fr. Chico’s singular saga, they are most 
welcome to get off their dead, over-flogged horses and continue wherefrom he 
miserably failed or left them unbearably disappointed!

Dom Martin

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