I just want to record my sincere thanks to Senhor Fred for
the extra mile he has gone to in downloading these songs from
an "ancient" cassette thereby preserving the memory of a very
dear cousin(Jock Sequeira).
  In addition to his writing flair and powerful vocal chords, Jock was
also a great actor; he admired all things Goan and was a great devotee
of the Goan tiatr. Although a son of Aldona, Jock spent a greater part
of his younger days at our mutual grandparent's home in
where he was always remembered as a crack shot(he loved this outdoor sport)
a singer with a very powerful voice. His tribute to our Granny in his song
"Xamai Mogachi" (in which Sybila Pinto and I sing) speaks volumes.
    His songs have a certain poignancy and feeling as in the two about
my parent's death at sea - "Dorian meloi puta" and "Sounsar Polko(which I
translate as "This empty World"), as also his farewell to Goa in,
"Vetam, vetam Vetam."
   This may well be a shot in the dark - but, if any reader has any of the
original 78 rpm recordings, I'd ,love to hear from them.
    Fred, once again, very ,many thanks.


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