Source: Goan Voice UK Newsletter of 7 Jul. 2013 at

By Roland Francis.

Every time I visit our neighbour down south, I am amazed at the changes that
are continuously taking place in that country. Not so much the changes in
the immovable assets of buildings and infrastructure as much as the changes
in population mix and the continuous influx of new nationalities. The
previous  immigration, mostly legal, of Jews, Poles, Italians and Irish
displaced by famines, wars and genocide in the early to middle previous
century has been replaced by legal as well as illegal immigration of
Hispanics, Africans, East Asian, Arabs and Haitians who flee here for many
reasons but mainly for a chance to grab a piece of the American Dream. With
the huge deficits successive governments have been running for unnecessary
wars, that dream has become somewhat jaded but the US is a resilient country
and just when you think its glory days are past, it comes back with renewed
vigour. Nothing exemplifies the world population shift like New York City
where Spanish seems to have become more than a second language. All
immigrants are tough, ambitious and determined. After the struggle of the
first generation who are lesser educated, less fluent in English and thus
working in dead end jobs, gives way to the next generation who are a whole
lot better educated, integration becomes complete. Unlike in Canada, they
become thoroughly Americans first and last and proud of it. In Canada, for
better or worse, the culture and lack of flag waving allows them to retain
their heritage. 

To those of us who take the narrow view of this riff raff citizenry, it all
looks foolish. Why would any country risk that along with such immigrants
will come elements that foster drug culture, terrorism and a host of other
problems that could be kept away? There are two parts to the answer. One is
that the US has such a large and porous border with its only southern
neighbour Mexico that it is impossible to control it effectively. The other
is that for every illegal who proves troublesome and costly, there will be a
hundred who will contribute to the well being of the country, doing jobs
that Americans have to be paid a minimum wage to do or are too qualified or
don't want to do. Paid in cash, they pay their taxes based on false papers
but in return are unable to reap the benefits when they require it because
of their false IDs which were ignored when they paid in but not ignored when
they were to be paid out. Imagine this happening to millions of illegals.
The situation although unfortunate, serves both the country and them, with
an eventual opportunity of becoming legal through a political amnesty.
The New World consists of yet another element though it is a little less
obvious at the present time.  It is that of weather pattern change. The time
is considered past for scepticism and debate on global warming. Proactive
governments in developed countries are already in planning stages to deal
with the new phenomena of frequent and destructive storms, tsunamis,
earthquakes, hurricanes, wildfires, melting of icebergs and ice lands and
consequent flooding. The amount that will have to be spent will be in the
trillions but the recurring damage could be far more expensive.

The new world is not just for America, or Europe or for other parts of the
developed world.  It will cover the entire globe but lesser developed
countries will wake up later than they should, as is the custom. For us
Goans, thinking continues to be compartmentalised. We still tend to talk of
a Goan identity while even national identities with immigration and
intermarriages are becoming more and more hazy, nebulous and elusive. People
seem to be more occupied with grand homes than in stopping beach erosion and
preserving their cultivated land. Few demand good government and a plan for
capable disaster management whether for flooding, food shortages or long
electricity outages.  'Bhailles' (outsiders) whether from the rest of India
or long staying foreigners, are despised and milked rather than treated like
stakeholders. They ought to be made to feel responsible along with Goans for
improving the mess that is Goa today. There is a great wealth and not just
of money that comes with them and it would be foolish not to use this. But
chances are we won't do all this because despite our activists, we have
never got the big picture. The old days' liquor is quicker has been replaced
by wealth is health.

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