I have been following the progress of package github.com/pkg/errors, and 
have put it to much use. Thanks very much to Dave Cheney and the other 

A few months ago an interesting issue was raised along the lines of being 
able to attach arbitrary data to the error 
(https://github.com/pkg/errors/issues/34). Some interesting discussion 
ensued, and in the end Dave decided not to add this feature to the package, 
and gave some very good reasons for his decision. This is all good and I 
think I learned a lot from the discussion.

All the same I became quite interested in the idea that, if key/value pairs 
of information could be attached to errors as they "bubble up" the stack, 
then this could provide an alternative to passing a logger down through the 
call stack, adding context along the way until something actually has to be 

So given that the github.com/pkg/errors package was not going to include 
the feature, I decided to have a go at building an errors package that 
provides a minimal API for programs that make use of structured logging. 
The result is at https://github.com/jjeffery/errors. The API has a very 
small surface area, and I have found it pleasant to use in my own projects.

Of course there are many other popular error handling packages, and 
github.com/pkg/errors combines the best ideas of many of them. I think it 
is a stated goal that github.com/pkg/errors be considered for inclusion in 
the standard library at some point. I just have not seen structured 
key/values integrated into error handling in quite the same way before, and 
thought I'd mention this work and ask for community feedback.

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