> On Dec 14, 2016, at 12:50 PM, 'Alan Donovan' via golang-nuts 
> <golang-nuts@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> On 14 December 2016 at 15:13, Dave Cheney <d...@cheney.net 
> <mailto:d...@cheney.net>> wrote:
> For example, net/http contains both http client and server facilities, 
> because they both relate to the use of http. The prevailing style in other 
> languages would have these placed in separate packages, one for client, one 
> for server, and a third for things which are common to both. I think this is 
> unnecessary.
> There's a case to be made here for the combined power of internal packages 
> and aliases (as proposed for Go 1.8).  >From the user's perspective, a single 
> net/http package makes sense, but for the maintainers, breaking it up may 
> lighten their burden. 
> Within Google, the Go implementation of our in-house RPC system is a complex 
> beast that would benefit from a little modularity, but we can't break the 
> package up without changing its API.  With aliases, it would be possible to 
> define separate internal packages for common declarations, for clients, and 
> for servers, and then define a "facade" package that exposes just the API.

(Unlike Dave Cheney) I like this. I think a key distinction is that packages 
are *design* objects, not runtime objects — it is how you structure a piece of 
sottware, separate from its runtime behavior. A hierarchical design is a good 
thing but we don’t usually need to model hierarchies at runtime. In any case, a 
user of a package need not care how it is composed. This freedom is very useful 
to implementers in restructuring the package guts without impacting its design 

Why not think about whether a  goal of allowing hierarchical design is what you 
(Go designers) really want and if alias and internal packages are 
sufficient/necessary/the right way?

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