Hi, all,

I am trying to capture a GRE tunneled packet and get rid off the GRE header 
to retrieve the encapsulated packet. 

The code is quite simple, I basically grabs the GRE tunneled packet and 
build a new one from its payload. The problem I have here is the MetaData 
of the packet1 channel is completely empty, even though the decoded layers 
look just fine.

Can anybody help me to figure out where I made the mistake?


--------- code snip ------
        packetSource := gopacket.NewPacketSource(handle, handle.LinkType())
        for packet := range packetSource.Packets() {
                if packet.Layer(layers.LayerTypeGRE) == nil {
                        fmt.Println("not gre kets")
                        //if this is not a GRE tunneled pkt, then this is 
not what we are looking for

                fmt.Println("find a GRE tunnedl pkt")
                packet1 := 
layers.LinkTypeEthernet, gopacket.Default)
// shouldn't a channel type of Packet being returned here, with Metadata() 
method implemented?

                // Process packet here

                fmt.Println("capture lenght:", 
packet1.Metadata().CaptureLength, "timestamp:", 
packet1.Metadata().Timestamp, "capture info:", 

------ console print -------- test.pcap is completely empty since the 
capture length from the metadata is 0

find a GRE tunnedl pkt
PACKET: 64 bytes
- Layer 1 (14 bytes) = Ethernet {Contents=[..14..] Payload=[..50..] 
SrcMAC=00:04:96:6d:49:00 DstMAC=00:50:56:88:4e:2d EthernetType=Dot1Q 
- Layer 2 (04 bytes) = Dot1Q    {Contents=[0, 69, 8, 0] Payload=[..46..] 
Priority=0 DropEligible=false VLANIdentifier=69 Type=IPv4}
- Layer 3 (20 bytes) = IPv4     {Contents=[..20..] Payload=[..20..] 
Version=4 IHL=5 TOS=16 Length=40 Id=25729 Flags=DF FragOffset=0 TTL=59 
Protocol=TCP Checksum=6231 SrcIP= DstIP= Options=[] 
- Layer 4 (20 bytes) = TCP      {Contents=[..20..] Payload=[] SrcPort=50507 
DstPort=22(ssh) Seq=3986061698 Ack=2511277766 DataOffset=5 FIN=false 
SYN=false RST=false PSH=false ACK=true URG=false ECE=false CWR=false 
NS=false Window=8039 Checksum=64660 Urgent=0 Options=[] Padding=[]}

capture lenght: 0 timestamp: 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC capture info: 
{0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC 0 0 0}

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