What's a nice way to handle left joins with database/sql? Imagine you have 
a users who can optional have an image. So you have an optional 1:1 

type User struct {
ID         int
Loginname  string
Password   string
        ImageID    int // or sql.NullInt depends on your DB design

Image    *Images

type Images struct {
ID          int
Name        string
// ...

If you use some orm like gorm querying for a user with an relationship will 
result in 2 queries. wich is a simple way of hanlding this, but one 
statement with a left join would be cleaner imho.

U.ID = 1
The problem is, that normally your Image attributes can't be null, but in 
this situation all attributes may be null. So a normal QueryRow().Scan() 
with the abocve types is problematic.

What do I want to achive?

1. I could define an ImageScan type that only has pointers oder sql.Null... 
And a method like convertToImage() which returns am Image. But than I would 
have an extra layer just for scanning join statements.
2. Scan all columns to []interface{} an only construct the Image type if it 
is found. this could be used with a code generations approach otherwise it 
sounds like a lot of writing. But you will loos type information and the 
interface{} values will all be of type []uint8 or int64. Would help if you 
could Scan a single column Value with database/sql.
data := User{}
cols := u.db.QueryRowx(sqlstmt, args...).SliceScan()
data.ID = int(cols[0].(int64))
data.Loginname = string(cols[1].([]uint8))
data.Password = string(cols[2].([]uint8))
if cols[3] != nil {
data.Image = &Image{}
data.Image.ID = int(cols[4].(int64))
// ...

3. Make two queries like most orms are doing.

Is there maybe a nice way to solve this problem? Have I overlooked 
something in the databas/sql docs?

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