Awesome, will definitely check it out.

On Sat, Apr 29, 2017 at 12:46 PM, <> wrote:

> Hey thanks for this detailed answer.
> We are in line about what we d like to get from such package,
> lightness, efficiency, handy.
> I ll just fix a misunderstanding, about my previous question,
> I m totally adept of html based technologies for the GUI,
> until electron came out, there were no other possibilities
> to consume a desktop web gui other than using one of the
> provided browser on the target system.
> Electron came in and provided the missing driver,
> between the gui and its container.
> It also turned a classical browser interface, into a gui host,
> by getting ride of all specialties of a browser.
> Although, electron is unfortunately super heavy,
> so in regards of the efficiency i expect,
> i m still using regular target systems browsers to run such app.
> What i'd like very much is a driver to invoke a browser on the host,
> like i d do with `xdg-open`, but that would let me define size and
> positioning
> of the window container, and let me add some options to disable
> some features of the browser (no url bar, no regular menus ect)
> It is really much like `` directed towards
> the desktop rather than the website being browsed.
> I m not low level, i m not sure if that is possible, or how,
> i m suspicious in the sense i guess someone would have
> already done that instead of electron/nightmare things,
> i just don t know.
> On Saturday, April 29, 2017 at 10:49:49 AM UTC+2, Asticode wrote:
>> Let me add one more project to the list:
>> - like it
>> forces you to have a native look and it seems overly complicated to embed
>> the QT library in the binary
>> Le jeudi 27 avril 2017 14:12:31 UTC+2, Asticode a écrit :
>>> I do agree with you regarding the size of the app once everything is
>>> setup.
>>> Honestly chosing Electron is more a choice by default than anything else.
>>> imo the chosen project should:
>>> - be cross platform
>>> - be well maintained
>>> - allow creating non-native looks through HTML/JS/CSS since I think it's
>>> the easiest for the most of us
>>> Here's a list of what I've tried so far:
>>> - : drawbacks are it has limited
>>> features, force you to have a native look and can't do things like
>>> capturing the "Enter" key event in an input box
>>> - : drawback is it's not
>>> maintained anymore
>>> - : drawback is it's not
>>> cross-platform (only MacOSX last time I checked)
>>> - : drawback is it's not
>>> cross-platform (only MacOSX too)
>>> - : drawback is it's not
>>> maintained anymore
>>> - : drawback is it's not
>>> maintained anymore
>>> - : drawback is it's not
>>> maintained anymore
>>> As you can see none of them meet the 3 requirements.
>>> Which leaves us with Electron which is cross platform, well maintained
>>> and allow creating non-native looks through HTML/CSS/JS.
>>> If there are other projects I've missed, feel free to let me know, once
>>> again chosing Electron is more of a choice by default than anything else.
>>> PS : if you're only interested in window positioning and decoration, and
>>> don't care about dealing with HTML/CSS/JS I recommend using
>>> which is an awesome project!
>>> Le jeudi 27 avril 2017 11:33:10 UTC+2, a écrit :
>>>> I like it too, i'm only worried by the size of the app once everything
>>>> it setup.
>>>> I wonder if its not possible to have something smaller,
>>>> obviously with less capabilities.
>>>> imho, i m interested mostly in window positioning and decoration.
>>>> Communication is less interesting to me as i can work with http apis,
>>>> or so.
>>>> any ideas ?
>>>> On Tuesday, April 25, 2017 at 9:54:22 PM UTC+2, Asticode wrote:
>>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>>> I'm happy to announce astilectron, a GO library to build cross platform 
>>>>> GUI apps in HTML/JS/CSS:
>>>>> I needed a way to build a cross platform GUI app in GO but none of the 
>>>>> projects out there were meeting my needs (they were either only 
>>>>> MacOSX-compatible or not maintained anymore). At the same time, I knew 
>>>>> about Electron which is cross-platform and well maintained. So I did the 
>>>>> maths and took a shot at creating a ligthweight library that could rely 
>>>>> on Electron and be available in GO.
>>>>> I've started it this week-end so this is still in beta but in a nutshell, 
>>>>> here's what it already does:
>>>>> - on start it provisions the necessary dependencies (electron and a 
>>>>> custom electron app I've made in NodeJS that provides an API over TCP). 
>>>>> This means that worst case scenario it downloads the distributions and 
>>>>> unzips them. Best case scenario (and thanks to the possibility of setting 
>>>>> your own Provisioner) you can embed the distributions in your binary 
>>>>> using go-bindata and only unzip them if they're not already set up.
>>>>> - then you're good to go and can create windows and interact with them: 
>>>>> move, resive, maximize, close, etc.
>>>>> - each window is a browser therefore you can either load static .html 
>>>>> files, a remote URL or the local GO server you've just started :D
>>>>> - you can communicate between your GO app and the javascript in you server
>>>>> - did I mention this is cross-platform? :D
>>>>> Here's the architecture of the project:
>>>>> +-------------+    TCP    +---------------------+    IPC   
>>>>> +---------------------+
>>>>> + your GO app |<--------->+ custom Electron app +<-------->+ win1: 
>>>>> (HTML/JS/CSS) +
>>>>> +-------------+           +---------------------+     |    
>>>>> +---------------------++
>>>>>       |                             |                 +---->+ win2: 
>>>>> (HTML/JS/CSS) +
>>>>>       |         +----------+        |                    |  
>>>>> +---------------------++
>>>>>       +---------+ Electron +--------+                    +-->+ win3: 
>>>>> (HTML/JS/CSS) +
>>>>>                 +----------+                                 
>>>>> +---------------------+
>>>>> I'd like to use this beta version to see if people are interested in that 
>>>>> sort of project. If so, I'll dedicate more hours to add more features. 
>>>>> Let me know in the comments section.
>>>>> Of course I welcome any kind of contributions, may it be finding bugs or 
>>>>> proposing enhancements.
>>>>> Long live Golang!
>>>>> Cheers
>>>>> Asticode
>>>>> --
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