in func do(i interface{}) interface{} (return i), do says nothing because 
"interface{} says nothing", 

from the caller pov, it looses information at the return call, 

var x = "o"
do(x) // <- return lost the track it was a string

if you delegate that func to another func, 
it can t says anything else rather than nothing unless it introduces type 
func to(do func(interface{})interface{}) func (interface{}) interface{} { 
return func (i interface{}) interface{} {return do(i)} }

if the observation become "interface{} destroys information", 
does it make sense to consider a "value type of any type that carries out 
its input type" ?
func do(any <t>) <t> {return any}
do("thing") <- this is explicitly string

Acting the same way as interface, except that little thing about 
destroying/preserving an information.

It can be delegated to func that works on anything, still returns concrete 
func to(do func(*<t>*)<t>) func (<t>) *<t>* { return func (i <t>) <t> 
{return do(i)} }

to(do)("whatever") // got a string, right ?

One step forward, 
what if <t> might be able to say "any type with a constraint on that 
func do(any <t:Stringer>) <t> {return any}
do(WhateverStringerCapable{}) <- much like using a regular parameter of 
type Stringer/interface{}, but now the return call reflects the invoke call 
, so its more complete than interface{}/Stringer.


Or maybe there is a reason in destroying that information ?

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