I think your example is not relevant, as it clearly intend to change the 
input type,
the goal is to preserve it, while still working with its value.

interface{} value type destroys the input type information,
so you might have the opposite value type, 
a type that preserves.
A type that let you write, *func, please, return the type i got*.

I did not mention templating, code generate / whatever/  like in 

I read something related in "*Generic programming* is a style of computer 
programming <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_programming> in which 
algorithms <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algorithm> are written in terms 
of types <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_type> *to-be-specified-later* 
that are then *instantiated* when needed for specific types provided as 

...*to-be-specified-later... *runtime leaks in the static type system, 
mostly a question of pov.

- <t> behaves like interface{} value type, because it does still say 
absolutely nothing. Not because it lacks of identity, but because it 
represents too many possible type.
- <t:Interface> is a shorthand to avoid a, probably, very repetitive type 
assert in order to use a <t>, much like an interface{}, but better, because 
its shorter
- <t> can be use only in func/method parameter (*excluded *receiver) ? I 
have not been able to find it meaningful elsewhere. 
- if you don t need to return the input type, you don t need <t>
- ultimately, []interface{} == []<t>, they both are list of stuff we have 
no idea what its about, but <t> has no sense if it is not scoped to a 
function call stack.
- ultimately, []<t:Stringer> does not make sense.

- when you receive a func (x <t>) <t> {}, it does actually says nothing to 
you, the declarer of the func, not because it lacks of identity, but 
because it represents too many possible types. If you d want to do 
something of it, you need to type assert it, to narrow it to something 
- when you receive a constrained <t:Interface>, you can work on value of 
type Interface, and you can return whatever, including the input parameter 
- when you call a func with a constrained type, you can actually statically 
verify that the input value satisfies the constraint.
- when you call a <t>, anything is as good as nil (i guess)

On Wednesday, July 19, 2017 at 11:47:40 PM UTC+2, Eric Johnson wrote:
> While I lean towards the view that Go should add support for type 
> generics, I'm not sure your example actually provides sufficient detail to 
> be an argument for them.
> On Monday, July 17, 2017 at 2:07:46 AM UTC-7, mhh...@gmail.com wrote:
>> in func do(i interface{}) interface{} (return i), do says nothing because 
>> "interface{} says nothing", 
>> from the caller pov, it looses information at the return call, 
>> var x = "o"
>> do(x) // <- return lost the track it was a string
>> if you delegate that func to another func, 
>> it can t says anything else rather than nothing unless it introduces type 
>> assertion.
>> func to(do func(interface{})interface{}) func (interface{}) interface{} { 
>> return func (i interface{}) interface{} {return do(i)} }
>> if the observation become "interface{} destroys information", 
>> does it make sense to consider a "value type of any type that carries out 
>> its input type" ?
>> func do(any <t>) <t> {return any}
>> do("thing") <- this is explicitly string
>> Acting the same way as interface, except that little thing about 
>> destroying/preserving an information.
>> It can be delegated to func that works on anything, still returns 
>> concrete types.
>> func to(do func(*<t>*)<t>) func (<t>) *<t>* { return func (i <t>) <t> 
>> {return do(i)} }
>> to(do)("whatever") // got a string, right ?
>> One step forward, 
>> what if <t> might be able to say "any type with a constraint on that 
>> interface",
>> func do(any <t:Stringer>) <t> {return any}
>> do(WhateverStringerCapable{}) <- much like using a regular parameter of 
>> type Stringer/interface{}, but now the return call reflects the invoke call 
>> , so its more complete than interface{}/Stringer.
> If the "do" method takes and returns a Stringer, then why not just declare 
> it that way? To make this a more interesting discussion, you have to get 
> into the details of what the "do" function actually needs to do? Why can't 
> it just use standard interfaces?
> As I see it, one of the generics problems comes from using the built-in 
> slices and maps. As it current stands, if I create a method:
> func concat(foo []Stringer) String {
>     result = ""
>     for _, s := range foo {
>         result = result + s.String() + ";
>     }
>     return result
> }
> but suppose I have two structs, Foo, and Bar, and both *Foo, and *Bar 
> implement Stringer.
> I cannot do this:
> func myFunc(f []*Foo, b []*Bar) string {
>     return concat(f) + concat(b)
> }
> This seems like a more concrete scenario than the one you identified.
> Eric.
>> no?
>> Or maybe there is a reason in destroying that information ?

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