Ok, I can agree with you.

But the only problem is that often, the reason why many developers *decide* 
to switch from the K&R to Allman at some point in their career (like me) is 
because they think that sparing these few lines in code height to the price 
of breaking the blocks natural alignment actually hurts the code 

If there are roughly as many Allman style coders as K&R style coders, this 
means that there are also roughly as many people who think that K&R harms 
the readability by breaking the block alignment than people who think it 
improves the readability by compacting the code. 

Even if you think this is questionable, please at least respect the half of 
us who think that readability is improved by this alternative style.

Because, if this style had no readability advantage for us, why would we 
want so much to use it, you really think we are that stupid, seriously ?

On Saturday, July 29, 2017 at 9:14:50 PM UTC+1, Jan Mercl wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 29, 2017 at 7:36 PM <ecstati...@gmail.com <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
> > But as Gofmt can ALREADY enforces this common coding style, and can be 
> run at any time, including before committing code on the depots, why should 
> it be enforced by the COMPILER too ?
> Let me pick just one misconception. The compiler does not care about 
> formatting style at all - because it cannot see it! Token sequences have no 
> style as they contain no white space or any other kind of token separators. 
> It's just tokens. All the way down.
> The specification prescribes how the source code text is transformed into 
> the token sequence the compiler only cares about. It's different in 
> details, but conceptually it's just a transformation stage in the sense of 
> what the specification of the, for example, C language prescribes.
> You may dislike the specification, but you can hardly argue it's not well 
> thought out and reasonable as a trade-off between mandatory semicolons (pre 
> Go 1 had them) and almost no need to write them in exchange for adjusting 
> to the implications and/or costs of that comfort.
> If Go changed its specification such that the left brace of a statement 
> block must be on its own line, it'll take me probably just a few minutes to 
> adapt and forget about it completely, because it's such an unimportant 
> detail compared to what I love about Go. Why some others cannot do the same 
> is beyond my comprehension, but that's by definition my fault, admitted.
> -- 
> -j

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