> most Linux users are used to setting environment variables and
> installing from tarballs.

No, most Linux users are used to installing from package managers.
Unless you were referring to installing Go in particular, where I
conjecture that most Linux users who don't use some package manager
to install Go, are installing from source.

> The era of executable installers has not died on Windows or on Mac.

I can't speak for Windows, but macOS (or OS X, or Mac OS X) never
had executable installers like Windows had. It had .pkg installers,
which are not the same thing at all, and even those are pretty rare
today, restricted mostly to software that has to install kernel
components and such. Most programs install by copying from zip/dng
files or by installing from the App Store (a package manager).

Mac users most certainly aren't used to executable installers.

> I think it would be a lot more productive to spend that time working
> on the technical problem

The problem you are mentioning is the halting problem. There is no way
reliably set configuration variables without solving the halting

I do not consider time spent on the halting problem to be productive
time. Sorry.

Aram Hăvărneanu

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