> No, most Linux users are used to installing from package managers.

I don't know if that's true. Many popular distributions provide undesirably
out-of-date versions of common tools and require users to use other means
to install them. But both of our assertions are valueless without data, so
it may not be worth discussing.

> Unless you were referring to installing Go in particular, where I
> conjecture that most Linux users who don't use some package manager
> to install Go, are installing from source.

I would have thought users would be more likely to reach for the pre-built
versions of Go, but again, we need data.

> I can't speak for Windows, but macOS (or OS X, or Mac OS X) never
> had executable installers like Windows had.

Fair enough, I admit I don't know a lot about the Mac sphere.

> The problem you are mentioning is the halting problem. There is no way
> reliably set configuration variables without solving the halting
> problem.
> I do not consider time spent on the halting problem to be productive
> time. Sorry.

I was referring to the problem of security, not the problem of
configuration variables. Certainly some of the security concerns with this
project can be addressed without solving the halting problem.

On Wed, Aug 2, 2017 at 6:50 AM <mhhc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> As you at this kind of work, have you considered a reliable one-liner to
> install dependencies ?
> I got that own, just today, from a gae repo (?), anyways here it is,
> go get -u -v $(go list -f '{{join .Imports "\n"}}{{"\n"}}{{join
> .TestImports "\n"}}' ./... | sort | uniq | grep -v golang-samples)
> Problem is, it did not quiet work for me when i put that into my travis :x
> https://travis-ci.org/mh-cbon/dht/jobs/260206514
> even when i restart the job.
> Do you have any ideas how to fix that ?
> thanks
> On Tuesday, August 1, 2017 at 9:42:00 PM UTC+2, Steve Francia wrote:
>> Greetings Gophers,
>> I've been working on a "one line installer" for Go with Jess Frazelle and
>> Chris Broadfoot and we think it's ready to share a bit more broadly.
>> The installer is designed to both install Go as well as do the initial
>> configuration of setting up the right environment variables and paths.
>> It will install the Go distribution (tools & stdlib) to "/.go" inside
>> your home directory by default.
>> It will setup "$HOME/go" as your GOPATH.
>> If Go is already installed *via this installer* it will upgrade it to
>> the latest version of Go.
>> Currently supported systems:
>>   linux, darwin, windows / amd64, 386 / bash, zsh, powershell
>> *Usage*
>> Windows Powershell:
>> (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('
>> https://get.golang.org/installer.exe', 'installer.exe'); Start-Process
>> -Wait -NonewWindow installer.exe; Remove-Item installer.exe
>> Shell (Linux/macOS/Windows):
>> curl -LO https://get.golang.org/$(uname)/go_installer && chmod +x
>> go_installer && ./go_installer && rm go_installer
>> As we discovered developing this, installers are really all edge cases.
>> We're certain we've not found many of them.
>> *Our goal is that this becomes the primary mechanism to install Go. *
>> *To do that, we need your help testing, improving and fixing it. *
>> The source can be found at
>> https://go.googlesource.com/tools/+/master/cmd/getgo/
>> If you find any issues please report them on Github
>> https://github.com/golang/go/issues/new?title=tools/cmd/getgo:
>> Thanks,
>> Steve
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