On 10 August 2017 at 13:39, David Collier-Brown <davecb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 10/08/17 02:47 AM, Henrik Johansson wrote:
>> I beg to differ. Most Java apps I have seen over many years almost
>> unanimously suffer from over-modeling.
> A former customer did a deep, thoughtful, *thorough* model of bracket
> tournaments, without any attempt to abstract the salient features. Java
> represented it beautifully, in complete detail...
> So it's now impossible for a single person to keep it in their brain, and
> every attempt to change it introduces new, surprising "features".
> In effect, the ability to represent anything easily led to our error: we
> represented _everything_.

I remember something similar happening with some Haskell I wrote.
Because the type system was so powerful, it felt wrong not use it to
represent everything, which ended up problematic. Frivolous thought:
I wonder if there's an (far-fetched) analogy to be made between this
and dropout techniques in neural networks - if our type system is really
powerful, it's easy for our type structures to "overfit" to the current
problem being solved, making it less adaptable and maintainable when
the problem changes.

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