On Sat, Aug 12, 2017 at 4:44 AM,  <alexander.geh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> At the moment I am developing a httpmockserver that uses a slightly modified
> version of
> https://github.com/golang/go/blob/master/src/net/http/httptest/server.go
> My own project uses the MIT License.
> So what is the correct way of including the modified file in my project?
> This is my project (in a very early phase, so you won't find
> httptest/server.go here yet):
> https://github.com/ybbus/httpmockserver
> There is a license file included.
> Should I add another license file? Should I append it to my license?
> Is it possible to have two licenses for one project? ( MIT and BSD3?)
> Do I need to keep the license information in httptest/server.go? And if so,
> should I add another line with my own license?
> To be honest:
> I do not want to do anything wrong here, but I would hope that it problably
> is negligible for such a small code reuse.
> That would problably avoid a lot of worries concerning license stuff.
> What do you mean?

I am not a lawyer, but the normal approach is to add your license to
the existing one, as the resulting code is covered by both licenses.


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