Fair enough. This would be perfect. Cheers

On Tuesday, September 5, 2017 at 5:42:26 PM UTC+10, 
marti...@programmfabrik.de wrote:
> Dorival,
> I think we can celebrate already if we achieve anything with this 
> discussion. Let's not ask for too much, plus let's not make it too 
> complicated.
> I think your proposed "watch err", hides too much and does too little.
> You can simply write (the inline code editor is broken, BTW)
> func ... {
> var err
> watch err != nil {
> // handle error
> return
> }
> // do stuff
> yo1, err := do_stuff1()
> yo2, err := do_stuff2()
> yo3, err := do_stuff3()
> }
> Martin
> On Tuesday, September 5, 2017 at 9:32:50 AM UTC+2, Dorival Pedroso wrote:
>> Hi Martin;
>> What about two commands "*watch*" and "*watchif*"?
>> The first works as the "*var*" command and the second as the "*if*" 
>> command.
>> "*watch*" does:
>>    1. In a function with *error* as an output (anywhere): returns in 
>>    case the *err* declared with *watch err* (or *watch myerror*) becomes 
>>    non-nil. *watch err* would declare *err*" as *var* does. Most use 
>>    cases would put *watch err* at the beginning of a function (although 
>>    this is optional as it is with *defer*)
>>    2. In a test function; aka TestSomething(something *testing.T), *watch 
>>    err error* would declare *err* (or *watch myerror error*) and if an 
>>    error occurs, it would call something.FailNow() after (printing the error 
>>    message?---still need to think this part better)
>>    3. In the main function: *watch err error* would print the error 
>>    message (or maybe pipe to stderr) and os.Exist(1)
>>    4. *watchif err != nil {HERE}* would be more powerful because it 
>>    would allow us to do other things. But the mechanism is similar (as you 
>>    proposed initially): if *err* becomes non-nil anywhere, the execution 
>>    in *HERE* would take place.
>> Cheers!
>> On Tuesday, September 5, 2017 at 4:55:59 PM UTC+10, 
>> marti...@programmfabrik.de wrote:
>>> Hi Dorival,
>>> thanks for supporting me with my idea.
>>> And yes, after writing my post yesterday I was thinking, "watchif" or 
>>> even simply "watch".
>>> And yes, today I am more in favor of simply *"watch"*.
>>> And yes, we can constrain this to the context of one function (like 
>>> defer), I am ok with that. 
>>> What you are describing how you work with errors and how you spent hours 
>>> adding 
>>> *if err != nil*
>>> that is *exactly* my point.
>>> On could nicely write this
>>> ...
>>> watch err!=nil {
>>>   handle_sql_error(err)
>>> }
>>> ...
>>> Of course, watch could also be used to not watch out for errors but any 
>>> other places where new values to get assigned to variables.
>>> Martin

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